IP workshops to be held in Manila and Kathmandu

Identity Preserved International Summit Workshops are being planned for Aug. 8, in Manila, Philippines and Sept. 19 in Kathmandu, Nepal. The workshops will introduce SSGA, its members and the U.S. Identity Preserved assurance plan and brand mark with presentations on IP advantages (quality, traceability, economics), contracting, farming practices, crop updates and labeling. These events will be an excellent primer for the Identity Preserved International Summit that is scheduled for Feb. 18-20, 2025, in Honolulu, Hawaii.

The Aug. 8 workshop for Philippine food manufacturers will reconnect the alliance with the market, following up on the virtual IP B2B in 2021 and SSGA’s participation in the USDA Trade Mission to the Philippines in 2022.

The Sept. 19 event will build on Nepal’s first import of U.S. identity preserved soybeans that took place in March. The response to the soy foods made from this transaction has been so positive that a second container has been purchased. The Kathmandu seminar is expected to attract 50-60 importers, processors and retailers from Nepal and India. Participants will have the chance to sample a range of products, such as soy milk, tofu, yogurt, soft serve, nuts and flour.

Any SSGA members interested in participating in either meeting should reach out to Shane Frederick, SSGA manager of strategic programs. In addition to the workshops for invited guests, SSGA’s U.S. delegation will schedule additional meetings and tours. More details coming soon.

SSGA’s Identity Preserved International Summit Workshops have been sponsored by the Minnesota Soybean Research & Promotion Council, Missouri Soybean Merchandising Council, North Dakota Soybean Council and Wisconsin Soybean Marketing Board.

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