SSGA showcases U.S. Identity Preserved at Soy Connext

At the heart of the Specialty Soya and Grains Alliance’s (SSGA) mission to “build, grow and sustain a reliable supply chain that ensures integrity of the end product” is connection. 

Soy Connext 2024, hosted by the U.S. Soybean Export Council (USSEC), was an ideal setting for SSGA to connect with more than 700 soy industry leaders and buyers representing over 60 countries. 

“It was fantastic,” SSGA Board Member Chuck Kunisch said.  

Held Aug. 19-21 in San Francisco, SSGA and the U.S. Identity Preserved program were sponsors of Soy Connext, where they engaged in several constructive conversations about identity preserved agriculture in the United States. 

“It was an opportunity for outreach and to see a lot of people to talk about the things that SSGA is doing,” said Shane Frederick, SSGA manager of strategic programs. “It’s good that we’re out there as part of the entire value chain.” 

The U.S. Identity Preserved program, which is overseen by SSGA, ensures customers receive the exact qualities and characteristics that they order utilizing documented, traceable practices. With over 400 attendees being international soy customers, there were ample opportunities to highlight the program. 

“Our booth had a lot of traffic, so we got the chance to talk a lot about the U.S. Identity Preserved program,” Frederick said. “There was a fairly large group that was interested in buying food-grade and non-GMO soybeans.” 

Soy Connext was more than just networking and making connections. The conference was chock full of educational sessions. 

“I thought the education sessions were fantastic,” Kunisch said. “I can’t wait until they post the videos so I can watch them again and really digest what the speakers had to say.” 

During the educational sessions, SSGA participated in the Soy Foods Sourcing Session, with Frederick speaking about “What Goes into the Soybean Premium” and Rob Prather presenting on “Non-GMO Sourcing, Timelines and Advice.” 

“Our hope was to help attendees understand forward contracting and variety selection for identity preserved,” Frederick said. 

With Soy Connext in the rearview mirror, SSGA is now looking to future projects and endeavors. 

“We’re really working on collaborating between USSEC and SSGA,” Kunisch said. “Even though we both promote U.S. Soy, we do it in different ways and it can benefit both of us by working together.” 

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