SSGA connects member exporters to Vietnam with ‘IP B2B’

By Shane Frederick, SSGA Communications Manager 

With a young population and a growing middle class, Vietnam is a burgeoning market for U.S. Identity Preserved (IP) soya and specialty grains, said Robert Hanson, agricultural minister counselor for USDA Foreign Agriculture Service in Hanoi. 

Hanson got the proceedings started for the Specialty Soya and Grains Alliance’s third IP virtual seminar and “IP B2B” (business to business meetings). This week’s event connected U.S. Identity Preserved exporters with food manufacturers and importers in Vietnam (previous events were held for the Philippines and Indonesia). 

“U.S. food ingredients have a great reputation (in Vietnam),” Hanson said. “They’re considered safe and of high quality.” 

The young, middle-class population Hanson spoke of means there is a growing demand in the food and beverage sector, along with trends for healthier diets and increasing interest in traceability. 

“Soybeans for food use is growing 4-5% annually,” Hanson said, adding that Vietnam is expecting to purchase 500,000 metric tons of food-grade soybeans for products such as soymilk and packaged products 

Vietnam is the seventh largest export market for U.S. food and agriculture, Hanson said, and bilateral trade between the two countries totaled about $8 billion in 2020, with $4 billion in trade flowing in each direction. 

In 2019, Hanson said, market access opened in Vietnam for U.S. sorghum. 

Nearly 70 people logged on to the Zoom meetings each day of the Vietnam event. That group included U.S. processors and exporters, Vietnamese food manufacturers and importers, and staff from SSGA and Spire Research and Consulting, along with a group of ace interpreters. 

The Day 1 agenda, moderated by SSGA IP Technical Adviser Hoa Huynh, also included presentations from: 

  • Rob Prather, SSGA vice-chair and chief strategic ambassador for Global Processing, who spoke about buying U.S. Identity Preserved field crops. 
  • Timothy Loh, Southeast Asia regional director for the U.S. Soybean Export Council, who talked about U.S. Soy sustainability initiatives. 
  • Nghia Tran Trong, Vietnamese representative for the U.S. Grains Council, who gave a U.S. specialty crops report. 

Speakers and presenters for Day 2, which was moderated by SSGA executive director Eric Wenberg included: 

  • Ben Petlock, senior agricultural attaché for FAS Ho Chi Minh City, on the Vietnamese market for U.S. agricultural products. 
  • Brian Sorenson, program director for the Northern Crops Institute, on NCI’s educational courses. 
  • Raquel Hansen, Minnesota IP farmer and SSGA board member on IP being “the value that adds value.” 

Petlock echoed some of Hanson’s comments as he detailed the Vietnamese ag market, saying there is “a lot of energy and a lot of growth” for U.S. agricultural products in Vietnam, whose 103 million population’s average age is 32 years old.

For the IP B2B portion of the event, U.S. suppliers and Vietnamese buyers were matched based on company profiles and put into Zoom breakout rooms, along with interpreters, for one-on-one video business meetings. U.S. participants each had as many to three B2B meetings each day.

“We want to source what the customer wants,” said Wayne Knewtson of Minnesota-based Knewtson Soy Products. 

SSGA has two more virtual seminars and IP B2B meetings scheduled – for Thailand (June 14-15) and Malaysia (June 28-29) – and is planning another for China to be held on a later date. 

From temperate to tropical, ‘IP B2B’ connects U.S. IP exporters to Indonesia

By Shane Frederick, SSGA Communications Manager 

There is an excellent opportunity in Indonesia for exporters of U.S. Identity Preserved soya and specialty grains, said Chris Rittgers, agriculture counselor for the USDA Foreign Agriculture Service in Jakarta, as he helped kick off the Specialty Soya and Grains Alliance’s second IP virtual seminar and “IP B2B” event of the year. 

SSGA and Spire staff and others expressed their gratitude to a group of fun, enthusiastic interpreters who helped U.S. exporters and Indonesian buyers overcome any language or communications barriers during SSGA’s IP B2B event on April 19-20.

“Our job here at the U.S. embassy – and, in fact, the fundamental job of all FAS officers overseas – is to link up U.S. suppliers with buyers in the local markets. And this is exactly the type of activitwe like to see, where we get the opportunity for buyers and suppliers to communicate, exchange ideas and talk about mutual interests and needs. 

As it did in the Philippines in February, the two-day Indonesia event, held April 19-20, included several one-on-one video meetings between U.S. suppliers and foreign buyers, including food manufacturers, who were matched up based on their company profiles. The virtual seminar featured several presentations related to U.S. field crops. 

Rittgers pointed out that the Indonesian market is relatively open for soybeans and most specialty grains. Indonesia, he said, is also the No. 1 market in the world for U.S.-grown millet, with exports totaling $23 million last year. Much of that is used as feed for Indonesia’s burgeoning songbird industry 

The bilateral trade relationship between the United States and Indonesia is very strong and very healthy,” Rittgers said, adding that ag and ag-related trade between the two countries totaled $8 billion in 2020. That includes $3 billion in products from the temperate climate of the U.S. (soybeans, wheat, cotton, dairy, meet, animal protein, feed ingredients, for example) and $8 billion from Indonesia’s tropical climate (home oil, rubber, cocoa, spices, coffee). 

“It’s a mutually beneficial relationship, Rittgers said, “with each of us capitalizing on our comparative advantages.” 

Garrett McDonald, agricultural attaché for FAS Jakarta, backed that up in his presentation the next day, stressing that Indonesia is the United States’ 10th-largest ag export market but also that Indonesia – the fourth-largest country in the world by population – imports more ag products from the U.S. than from any other country. 

The U.S. supply of raw materials feeds into Indonesia’s growing retail food and beverage sector,” McDonald said, adding that there is increasing interest in healthier foods and a high demand for lifestyle products with nutritional benefits. 

Thirty percent of Indonesian ag imports from the U.S. are soybeans, and most of those are made into food for human consumption, such as tempeh and tofu, meaning the Southeast Asian nation, which is made up of more than 17,000 islands, is a vital market for U.S. Identity Preserved field crops. 

“We are thrilled to play a part,” McDonald said. 

Including representatives from U.S. processors and Indonesian companies, staff from SSGA and Spire Research and Consulting and an intrepid group of interpreters, the event brought together on Zoom around 70 people on the first day and 60 the next 

“Despite the 12-hour time difference for many of our participants, we were able to have lively discussions and successfully introduce our producers and processors to buyers from an important, growing market for U.S. Identity Preserved products,” said Eric Wenberg, SSGA executive director. Using interpreters, when needed, the companies met face to face in virtual breakout rooms to begin doing business. We also had fun comparting temperatures and cultures on the call! 

Other presenters included Rob Prather, SSGA vice-chair and chief strategic ambassador for Global Processing, who spoke about buying IP field crops; Will McNair, USSEC director for human nutrition and oil on U.S. Soy sustainability initiatives; Manuel Sanchez, U.S. Grains Council regional director for Southeast Asia and Oceania on 2020 and 2021 corn quality; Brian Sorenson, program director Northern Crops Institute on NCI’s educational courses, including a food grade and IP practices class that SSGA is participating in June 13-15; and Raquel Hansen, Minnesota IP farmer and SSGA board member on IP being the “value that adds value.” 

“We look forward to one day traveling with our members to Indonesia for in-person meetings, but we’ve learned how to make virtual work better in the meantime,” Wenberg said. “Educating buyers and sellers in advance and setting meetings in advance worked wellThe companies loved it and reported to me it was valuable to their business.” 

SSGA has scheduled similar virtual seminars and IP B2B meetings for Vietnam (May 24-25), Thailand (June 14-15) and Malaysia (June 28-29) and is planning another for China to be held on a later date.

CoBank featured at first ‘B2B Brunch’

An hourlong conversation as robust as the mid-morning cups of coffee that went along with it took place online Friday, as the Specialty Soya and Grains Alliance (SSGA) premiered its “B2B Brunch.” 

Michael Minnihan and Holly Womack of SSGA-member CoBank were the presenters for the first in what is planned to be a regular series organized to bring together SSGA members to network and learn from one another. Approximately 20 people attended Friday’s event. 

CoBank is the largest lender in the Farm Credit System, a broad-based cooperative financial services organization serving rural American agribusiness, communications, energy and water and community facilities. The cooperative is owned by approximately 2,400 customers and headquartered near Denver with regional offices and banking centers located througout the country. 

Minnihan, a relationship manager for CoBank’s Regional Agribusiness Banking Group in Minneapolis, manages a portfolio of agribusiness customers in the Upper Midwest, primarily Minnesota, North Dakota, Wisconsin and Michigan, presented a CoBank overview and market update. 

Minnihan said the outlook is optimistic, at least short term, based on the opportunities that are present right now.” 

“USDA has already told us there’s going to be record acreage for both corn and soybeans and wheat, across the board,” he said. “Producers, I think, are sitting in a pretty good spot. … I think markets have settled down quite a bit, but there’s still a lot of support.” 

Womackthe lead relationship manager for the Agricultural Export Finance Division in Denver, presented on the work CoBank does as the leading provider of trade finance in support of U.S. agricultural products, including structured trade finance and taking an active role in electronic documentation capabilities such as letters of credit and collection. 

All we do is U.S. ag,” Womack said. “Unlike commercial bank competitors, CoBank only does agriculture. … And that runs the spectrum from the bulk commodities all the way down to the processed goods.” 

In discussing the partnership between CoBank and SSGA, the presenters highlighted CoBank as a knowledgeable and dependable debt financing partner, its potential as a collaborator in agricultural export finance, and its ability to be conduit for networking in events such as the “B2B Brunch” and other meetings. They also featured CoBank’s Knowledge Exchange, a centralized site that includes reports and webinars by economists.

SSGA ‘IP B2B’ Philippines event kicks off

The Philippines moved up the charts in 2020, rising to No. 8 in U.S. export value, Morgan Haas, agricultural counselor at the U.S. Embassy in Manila, told attendees of the Specialty Soya and Grains Alliance’s (SSGA) U.S. Identity-Preserved Soya and Specialty Grains Virtual Seminar, which began Monday evening (Tuesday morning, Philippines time).

Haas said during his opening remarks that U.S. ag exports to the Philippines set a record, totaling $3.2 billion in 2020.

“It’s an important market and a growing market, and it’s growing more and more,” Haas told the group of U.S. IP soya and specialty grains exporters and Philippines food manufactures. Representatives of those companies will be meeting individually later today (Tuesday, Wednesday in the Philippines) in a new SSGA business-to-business event called “IP B2B,” as part of the seminar.

According to Haas, the only country that gained more in U.S. ag export value than the Philippines in 2020 was China.

Following Haas was SSGA Chair Bob Sinner, president of SB&B Foods, who spoke about the IP process U.S. producers, processors and shippers go through. Sinner called U.S. IP “the gold standard of supply.”

“These are specific varieties for specific food use,” Sinner explained, “with full transparency and traceability as they follow the entire value chain.”

Timothy Loh, U.S. Soybean Export Council regional director for Southeast Asia, presented on sustainability initiatives, including the U.S. Soy Sustainability Assurance Protocol, which assures buyers that guidelines have been followed for responsible farming.

Manuel Sanchez, U.S. Grains Council regional director for Southeast Asia, gave a U.S. corn harvest quality report, stressing that the Philippines are a top-five country for U.S. corn exports.

The final speaker was Adam Sackett, director of sales operations and business development for Insta-Pro International, who gave a presentation on extrusion technologies.

The program was moderated by Hoa Huynh, SSGA technical adviser for Southeast Asia, and SSGA Executive Director Eric Wenberg delivered the closing comments.

Day 2, which takes place 7-9 p.m. CST Tuesday (09:00-11:00 PHT Wednesday) will feature the IP B2B meetings, following a report on the Philippines market from Ryan Bedford, agricultural attaché from USDA Foreign Agricultural Service-Manila.

There also will be presentations for attendees not participating in the IP B2B, including Chrissy Harris of Rabbit/broadhead on SSGA’s U.S. IP branding project, Ingrid Rix of Spire Research and Consulting on research conducted for SSGA on the Philippines market for IP field crops and Brian Sorenson of Northern Crops Institute on NCI’s upcoming educational courses.

SSGA Chair Bob Sinner presents at Asia Soy Excellence Summit

Specialty Soya and Grains Alliance (SSGA) growers and exporters listen to their customers and ultimately provide them with the specific varieties they need for their food products, Bob Sinner explained during  the U.S. Soybean Export Council’s (USSEC) inaugural Asia Soy Excellence Summit.

“The decision is yours, not ours,” said Sinner, SSGA chair and president of SB&B Foods. “Our responsibility Is to listen and to provide you options.”

Sinner represented SSGA and its member companies, presenting during the virtual event, which was the launch of the U.S. Soy Excellence Centre in Singapore. The audience included around 60 invited guests from several Asian countries – key stakeholders from the soy food and soy beverage industry.

“At the end of the day, it’s all about the customer,” he said, “understanding what each food manufacturer wants in a variety.”

After an introduction from Hoa Huynh, SSGA I.P. technical adviser for Southeast Asia, Sinner explained how SSGA members work to meet customers’ needs throughout the I.P. process, including: research and testing, forward contracting, storage and shipping. He touched on challenges, such as the current container shipping crisis and urged the audience to plan ahead with suppliers to minimize the impact of those logistical issues. He also discussed opportunities such as the I.P. branding program that SSGA is undertaking.

Sinner praised the work being done on the Soy Excellence Centre, saying it “can be the vehicle to improve information exchanged between suppliers and buyers.”

Other avenues to improve that exchange of information, Sinner said, include Northern Crops Institute’s Soy Procurement Course for importers, which is scheduled to take place in October, and the U.S. Soyfood Variety Database.

Prior to Sinner’s presentation, Will McNair, USSEC’s director of oil and human protein, discussed the database as part of his talk on quality and sustainability. The database is a project led by several U.S. stakeholders, including USSEC and SSGA, and will act as a “catalogue” of soya varieties. It is scheduled to go live in 2021.

Following their talks, Sinner, McNair and presenters on consumer trends, nutrition and health, beverage processing, and innovation, participated in a Q&A panel discussion.

SSGA encourages all its members to take part in events such as this, as well as our organization’s own live and virtual events designed to educate the public, including potential buyers, about the I.P. system and industry. Members interested being presenters and sharing their expertise and experience can find more information as well as a short survey here.


SSGA annual meeting kicks off with robust agenda

Eager to see the progress of a U.S. identity preserved (IP) brand image and strategy project – as well as to hear insights and information about shipping and trade, food grade soya, and specialty grains, more than 70 people logged on and participated in the Specialty Soya and Grains Alliance’s (SSGA) 2020 Annual Meeting on Wednesday afternoon.

Wednesday was the first day of the two-day meeting, which is being held virtually on Zoom due to COVID-19 gathering restrictions.

Most attendees were getting their first chance to see some initial creative concepts and hear about the research and data behind them as Emilie Hitch and Alex Bausch of Rabbit/broadhead reported on the brand project, which strives to communicate to foreign buyers that the U.S. is a high-quality origin for U.S. IP crops and differentiate them.

“This is the reason SSGA exists,” SSGA Executive Director Eric Wenberg said.

Hitch, Rabbit’s vice president of brand strategy, said the strategic platform centers around three “pillars of premium”: food safety, verifiable and American grown.

The next steps will involve discussion of brand usage, and SSGA is planning a webinar in early January.

The busy day began with sponsor speaker Vijay Harrell, founder and CEO of Tradelanes. Harrell’s presentation focused on resiliency and the challenges and opportunities that exist along the IP value chain for SSGA members.

“Technology is a key to achieving resiliency,” said Harrell, whose SSGA-member company is dedicated to transforming global commodity trade digitally to decrease costs and time.

Ed Beaman, chief operating officer of the U.S. Soybean Export Council (USSEC), spoke next as part of SSGA’s Food Grade Soya Action Team meeting. Beaman reported on the success of and stellar reviews for the U.S. Soy Global Trade Exchange & Specialty Grains Conference (GTE), held virtually in August, and gave an update on the U.S. Soyfood Variety Database, which is scheduled to go live in early 2021.

Beaman also led a discussion on market access in India, a “perennial potential’ market.” He said USSEC and SSGA both need to be involved in work to open the Indian market where “there’s a keen and growing interest in U.S. IP soy among soy food processors.”

Wenberg and Food Grade Soya Action Team chair Todd Sinner then reported that SSGA and the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Animal Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) have been discussing ways that could, in a limited way, facilitate a phytosanitary process that helps reconcile the issues faced in certifying for export from remote or hard-to-reach, expensive, and logistically challenging locations in the United States. This was a continuation of discussions that were precipitated by the certificate crisis earlier this year with Japan.

“We need to find ways to keep a project manageable and narrowly defined to fit within current eligibilities,” Wenberg said.

SSGA’s Specialty Grains Action Team presented next, led by Lee Steinhauer, SSGA market development project manager. Consultant Dave Miller spoke about market trends for specialty grains, saying “there is a ton of momentum, especially in baking and brewing” for these “unique products.” SSGA technical advisers Gene Philhower (Europe), Alyson Segawa (North Asia) and Hoa Huynh (Southeast Asia) then reported on international opportunities for specialty grains.

(To see video reports from SSGA’s technical advisers, please follow this link.)

The SSGA annual meeting continues Thursday at 1 p.m. CST (attendees should plan to log-in early so the meeting can start on time and stay on schedule). The agenda includes the SSGA business meeting and board elections, keynote speaker Polly Ruhland, CEO of United Soybean Board, as well as an interview with organic farmer Carolyn Olson.

FAS Manila to co-host ‘Ease of Doing Business’ webinar

USDA Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) Manila will co-host a webinar with ARTA, the Philippines Anti-Red Tape Authority entitled “Ease of Doing Business: Delivering Safe Food and Agricultural Products” on Tuesday, Nov. 24, 7-9:30 p.m. Central Standard Time (Nov. 25, 9-11:30 a.m. Philippine Time).

U.S. companies are encouraged to register for and participate in this event, which is free. Register at this link on or before COB Friday, Nov. 20.

SSGA Technical Adviser for Southeast Asia Hoa Huynh says webinar this could be a beneficial event for members looking for business opportunities in the Philippines.

During the webinar, representatives of various Philippine government agencies, such as the Department of Agriculture, Food and Drug Administration, and Bureau of Customs, will discuss their efforts to streamline the issuances of licenses, import permits, and product registration certificates, and the release of products from the ports.

Organizers are encouraging participants to ask questions during the webinar. For those who prefer anonymity, questions can be asked on the registration page. A USDA representative will read the questions during the Q&A portion of the event.

Click here to see the USDA’s Food and Agricultural Import Regulations and Standards (FAIRS) annual country report, which outlines regulations and procedures for exporting to the Philippines.

About ARTA: The Anti-Red Tape Authority is an agency attached to the Office of the President to ensure the adoption of simplified requirements and procedures, as well as to establish effective practices aimed at efficient turnaround of the delivery of government services, that will reduce red tape and expedite business and nonbusiness related transactions in government. Visit their website here.

Farmers continue to grow IP message

IP producers Keith Schrader, Nancy Kavazanjian, John Heinecke and SSGA Executive Director Eric Wenberg discussed IP field crops during a panel at the Organic & Non-GMO Forum.

If IP starts on the farm, the IP message starts there, too.

Continuing its commitment to including growers to tell the identity-preserved story, the Specialty Soya and Grains Alliance sponsored a producer panel during this week’s Organic & Non-GMO Forum, which was held virtually.

SSGA Executive Director Eric Wenberg moderated Monday’s hour-long session, which featured Nancy Kavazanjian, a partner at Hammer-Kavazanjian Farms in Wisconsin; John Heinecke, owner of Heinecke Ag Ventures in Missouri; and Keith Schrader, CEO of Wheeling Grain Partnership in Minnesota (Schrader is also secretary/treasurer of the SSGA Board of Directors).

“Farming is a tough way to make money but a meaningful way to make a living,” Wenberg said as he introduced the panel, who discussed the challenges of and tough choices that go with growing non-GMO soybeans and corn – from crop segregation and storage to finding new customers to the effects of late-season weed pressure – in order to get the most of out of their corps each year. They also spoke about how the premium for their crops makes the extra work worthwhile, as well as their desire to see more farmers join them in growing for a purpose.

“People need to see that non-GMO is no longer a niche market,” Heinecke said.

Said Kavazanjian: “We need better breeding and more diversity. We need some breeding focus.”

Kavazanjian and Schrader reported an excellent growing season in Wisconsin and Minnesota.

“The color turned out really well,” Schrader said. “We’ve delivered some already, and our processor was really happy.”

Heinecke said some weather setbacks impacted the yield in Missouri, but, otherwise, it was a “spectacular” soybean crop. All acknowledged the difficulties Iowa had with this summer’s devastating derecho.

The Organic & Non-GMO Forum was a two-day virtual even that gave attendees a chance to watch speakers, interact in presentations, take advantage of networking opportunities and participate in public forums.

On Tuesday Wenberg gave his own presentation on IP called “Traceability: The Value That Adds Value.”

SSGA highlights EU market opportunities for specialty grains

Recent consumer research has shown that a majority of Europeans are willing to pay more when it comes to greater transparency in their food.

According to the research firm DNV-GL, 60% of global consumers are willing to pay at least 5% more for assurance of transparency in the foods they buy. Transparency is at the heart of the U.S. identity-preserved field crop system that SSGA promotes, along with consistency, quality and safety in those products exported worldwide.

“There’s clearly an appetite for (transparency) in the EU,” said Dave Miller, specialty grains consultant for the Specialty Soya and Grains Alliance (SSGA). “They’re hungry for more information on food safety, environmental issues and social issues.”

It’s because of that appetite that SSGA conducted a webinar for its members and others hoping to learn more about specialty grains export opportunities to Europe. The online event, which was held on Oct. 8, drew around 25 participants, including SSGA members who handle a variety of specialty grains.

“We’re building insights and building market development,” Miller said. “There are data sources we have access to that will help (members) better understand the markets and to work on their own market development.”

The webinar featured three presenters who each shared a perspective on the opportunity for IP specialty grains in the EU:

  • Jacob Golbitz, managing director of Agromeris, a food and agricultural industry consulting firm
  • Alyson Segawa, SSGA IP technical adviser and founder and CEO of Eliasan Consulting
  • Anne Dettmer, founder of Artisanne’s, a London-based public relations and marketing firm

Golbitz spoke about the growth of specialty grains usage in the European Union and the United Kingdom, using data from the Mintel Global New Products Database, a collection of information of consumer products that includes food products grouped by type (bakery, snacks, desserts, etc.) and searchable by product information (ingredients, flavors, sizes, etc.).

Using searches of specific specialty grain ingredients, information gleaned from the database was used to highlight intersections of the most-active European markets and top product categories. That information shows a very promising target market for U.S. suppliers of specialty grains.

Segawa gave an oversight of Europe as an upward-trending market for specialty grains, focusing primarily on a top six of sorghum, barley, oats, rye, triticale and quinoa.

Analyzing data and consumer trends from 2012 to 2018, Segawa echoed that EU customers are willing to spend more healthier choices, and that may present a unique opportunity for SSGA suppliers to continue building the U.S. market share in Europe.

Dettmer, who works with trade associations, focusing specifically on the United Kingdom and Ireland, talked about breaking into the UK market with a particular focus on planning and research. It’s imperative that U.S. exporters understand their target markets and how food manufacturers in those markets make their ingredient decisions.

SSGA Executive Director Eric Wenberg said the webinar had good participation and encourages feedback from attendees.

“We’re just getting started,” Wenberg said. “We have to figure out how to get, as we say in the West, ‘belly to belly’ with Europe and show that IP is the value that adds value. We know that, not from hunches anymore, not from instinct, but from the data that’s coming into us and the research that’s being done.”

SSGA to host EU specialty grains webinar

Join the Specialty Soya and Grains Alliance (SSGA) for a webinar on Thursday, Oct. 8 at 10 a.m. CDT to explore the specialty grains market in the European Union. This informative event will highlight the grains, product categories and countries that are driving innovation, as well as highlight the opportunities, import sources and company perspectives on the specialty grains business in Europe. The event will also highlight two of the data resources available to SSGA members as they explore new markets.

Scheduled speakers include:

  • David Miller, moderator, SSGA Specialty Grains Action Team
  • Jacob Golbitz, Agromeris
  • Alyson Segawa, SSGA Technical Adviser – North Asia
  • Farmer – TBD
  • Overseas Market Representative – TBD

Use the link below to join the meeting.

SSGA Specialty Grains in the EU Webinar
Thu, Oct 8, 2020 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM (CDT)

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