SSGA hosting Philippines U.S. Identity Preserved Workshop

An SSGA delegation is heading to Manila to conduct a U.S. Identity Preserved Workshop on March 20. SSGA Executive Director Randy Duckworth and Manager of Strategic Programs Shane Frederick will lead the event, which will include panel discussions and presentations from SSGA members. 

Todd Sinner of SB&B Foods; Austin DeLong, The DeLong Co.; and Guillermo Mancebo of Puris will present about shipping identity preserved (IP) field crops, seed varieties and facility quality.  

Rick Brandenburger of Richland IFC; Tom Taliaferro of Montague Farms and Aaron Mohs of Brushvale Seed will present on a panel about farming and production. 

Presentations also include an overview of the U.S. Identity Preserved assurance protocol and brand mark and a briefing from Japnit Singh of Yamada Consulting & Spire with results of the economic proof point market research about tofu and soymilk conducted for SSGA. 

The workshop will be held in conjunction with U.S. Soybean Export Council’s Ag Supply Chain Asia March 17-19 and the AsiaSoy Excellence and Food Summit, which will be held March 19-21.  

SSGA awards annual Alliance Honors

SSGA honored familiar faces with the fifth annual SSGA Alliance Honors at the SSGA annual meeting on March 11. The SSGA Executive Committee recognizes those who have made significant and sustaining contributions to the U.S. Identity Preserved industry in the past year. The Alliance Honors recognize stewardship, as well as advancements in transportation, IP and SSGA as an organization. 

SSGA Alliance Honor for Stewardship: Minnesota Soybean Research & Promotion Council 

Minnesota Soybean Research & Promotion Council – in particular, its promotion action team, but also its research action team – is recognized for its great leadership and significant financial stewardship that help ensure the success of SSGA’s activities, projects and programs and, in turn, establish our organization as a business alliance with a national and international impact. MSR&PC’s farmer leaders have supported SSGA since its foundation, recognizing our work to promote the state’s identity preserved and specialty soybean crop, including non-GMO and food-grade soybeans to export markets around the world. It supports the communication of agronomic and educational information about IP/specialty crops to farmers; studies and reports on transportation issues that will help intermodal movement of IP/specialty crops from the farm to the end user; and sponsors and participates in events that further SSGA’s vision to promote and enhance value throughout the supply chain, from farms to food businesses.  

Council Vice Chair and SSGA Director Gail Donkers accepted the award of MSR&PC. 

SSGA Alliance Honor for Advancing Transportation: Peter Hirthe 

Mr. Hirthe, director of the office of trade and economic development for the Great Lakes St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation, is recognized for his and the agency’s work to promote and revitalize the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Seaway as a viable trade-lane option that serves the U.S. intermodal and international transportation system. Hirthe first approached SSGA about working with the Corporation in 2021, a conversation that led to the creation of the Transportation Go! conference, the first of which took place in Milwaukee in 2022. The Great Lakes St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation continues to be a strong supporter of SSGA and its work to improve container shipping for specialty agriculture out of the northern states, sponsoring and participating in subsequent Transportation Go! events (including this week’s T-Go! in Minneapolis), SSGA fact-finding trips and meetings in Canada and Europe and our other transportation work, along with state commodity organizations in the Great Lakes region.  

SSGA Alliance Honor for Advancing IP: Hathairat Prachayaphiphat 

Ms. Hathairat is recognized for her distinguished career, retiring as head of procurement division for Thailand’s Green Spot Co., Ltd., after more than 20 years, during which she was responsible for core strategic and operational procurement functions and was engaged in developing the company’s overall supply network. During her time at Green Spot, she was a champion of U.S. Identity Preserved soybeans, establishing and maintaining strong relationships with U.S. suppliers of high-quality, specialty ingredients for the company’s own product line. Hathairat got to know her suppliers’ businesses, and they got to know hers in ways that allowed for close, consistent communication through the procurement process. Hathairat supported SSGA messaging, as well, presenting at the international launch of the U.S. Identity Preserved brand in Ho Chi Mihn City, Vietnam in 2022 and appearing at the first Identity Preserved International Summit in Honolulu, Hawaii, in 2023. 

SSGA Alliance Honor for Advancing SSGA: Eric Wenberg 

Mr. Wenberg is recognized for his tireless work and great achievements in 5 ½ years as SSGA’s first executive director. Drawing on a distinguished and well-traveled career in government with USDA, Wenberg successfully led SSGA out of its infancy, navigating the organization through peaks and valleys before leaving it, upon his retirement, in a strong position as a rising national organization that serves its members, and the overall identity preserved and specialty soybean and grain industry. Under Wenberg’s leadership, SSGA built and launched the U.S. Identity Preserved assurance plan and brandmark, negotiated and administered a unique export certification program for high-quality specialty grains, communicated and educated on vital transportation issues that affect U.S. agricultural shippers, and much, much more!  

His unique blend of tenaciousness, creativity and kindness left an impression on board directors, members and staff alike. Thank you, Eric, for setting up SSGA for success going forward! 


‘A rare bird’: SSGA pays tribute to retiring executive director

Beginning with his first week as executive director of the Specialty Soya and Grains Alliance (SSGA), Eric Wenberg began opening new doors for the organization. But first, he helped the SSGA board approve its logo and membership dues.

“The board trusted me creating something new,” he said. “It’s a rare opportunity.”

His tenure with SSGA officially started in March 2019, when Wenberg used his connections in Washington, D.C., to help bring SSGA – a new organization created following the merger of the Midwest Shippers Association and the Northern Food Grade Soybean Association – to the Embassy of Japan.

“You could tell Eric was extremely well respected,” said Minnesota Soybean Growers Association Executive Director Joe Smentek, who joined Wenberg for the embassy visit. “He created a lot of opportunities for soybean farmers both in Minnesota and across the country.”

A lover of metaphors, Wenberg viewed SSGA’s humble beginnings and its subsequent growth and industry recognition from an aerial angle.

“Starting SSGA was like landing an aircraft on an aircraft carrier,” Wenberg said. “You realize you’re doing two difficult things at once. You’re flying an airplane and you’re landing on a deck that’s going up and down.”

Whether he was arranging embassy meetings, helping to launch SSGA’s U.S. Identity Preserved brandmark or communicating the dire effects of supply chain crises, Wenberg continued opening doors and landing planes for SSGA’s members throughout his 5 ½-year tenure.

At the end of September 2024, the longtime industry leader is retiring after an illustrious career in both the public and private sectors.

“It’s just a great time for transition,” Wenberg said. “We’re in a successful position with a trained staff who know their jobs with a marquee set of events that are now on the map and the calendar that people attend.”

Wenberg’s genial disposition and breadth of industry knowledge will be missed by colleagues.

“He’s such a rare bird, and I think others would say the same thing,” said Gary Williams, SSGA director of transportation and regulatory affairs. “The skillset that Eric has is really unique. You’ll find people who have been in the Foreign Ag Service and the government side of things, and some make the crossover to the association side, but what’s different about Eric is he can understand the commercial side. He can understand government and the organizational association world, and it’s really rare to find that.”

Shane Frederick, SSGA’s manager of strategic programs, said Wenberg’s small-ball approach transformed SSGA into a big player in the global identity preserved and transportation industries.

“Eric Wenberg might be the Billy Beane of agricultural associations,” Frederick said, referring to the general manager of the Oakland A’s baseball team who was made famous by the book and movie, “Moneyball.” “Under his leadership, a new and somewhat-small organization made a major impact on the industry around the world.”

Living the dream

Before joining SSGA, Wenberg completed a nearly 30-year career with USDA’s Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS), serving in American embassies in Ottawa, Pretoria, Warsaw and Moscow. During his FAS career, Wenberg worked abroad, assisting U.S. agricultural businesses export, negotiating trade agreements and settling disputes with foreign governments, while speaking and publishing reports on foreign agricultural conditions. He also served as assistant deputy administrator of Foreign Service Operations, directing 90 offices abroad. He was tasked with setting financial management and policy for Farm Bill foreign marketing programs. From 2002 to 2004, Wenberg represented FAS on the governing board of the American Foreign Service Association.

“Eric came to SSGA not knowing a whole lot about the IP business,” SSGA Chair Bob Sinner said. “He’s made a significant effort, learned all the aspects of our businesses and has really been a champion. I’ve seen him work day-to-day with such passion. He’s been such a student of our businesses.”

Phillip Shull, SSGA’s South Asia technical adviser, has been a colleague of Wenberg’s for around 30 years. He said his friend’s enthusiasm and grasp of complex issues never let up.

“Eric’s commitment to seeing the job done is another thing that drives him. He lives it; he’s not an 8-to-5 guy. He’s going to be dreaming about this,” Shull said. “The multifaceted aspect of his job is you’re not just doing the same thing. You do marketing and you do the policy, the management, the administration and the diplomacy of working with the government and the industry and with foreign dignitaries. It’s multidimensional.”

The COVID-19 pandemic hit a year after Wenberg joined SSGA, and just days after SSGA participated in the Northern Commodity Transportation Conference (now known as the SSGA-led Transportation Go!). The Minnesota-based organization shifted into remote, virtual operations. To Wenberg, the pandemic felt like another restart for SSGA.

“Of course, we work internationally, so we began to adopt the habit that we still are pretty accustomed to, which is being on video calls and conferences late at night,” he said. “The pandemic made us rethink our business functions.”

In the fall of 2020, SSGA – working on behalf of its members who export high-quality, identity preserved and specialty grains and oilseeds to help them meet the needs of their overseas customers – was one of the first organizations to sound the alarm about the global supply chain disruptions. Those advocacy efforts included educating legislators and media outreach and led to the 2022 passage of the bipartisan Ocean Shipping Reform Act, providing a more competitive global ocean shipping industry and relief to U.S. exporters. A press release issued by SSGA underscoring the effects of the crisis later earned a National Agri-Marketing Association award.

“We give people the data and information they need to make decisions,” Wenberg said. “We set up a series of educational outreach on transportation and the difficulties, the steps that the companies were going through to try and overcome the difficulties to continue to deliver products. That’s a very important role for an association, for an alliance like ours to take on. The goal is to pass on the difficult messages to the customer, and I’m very proud of the role that we played in that legislation passing with unanimous consent in the Senate.”

Sinner, a longtime SSGA board member and president of SB&B Foods, said Wenberg delivered for the industry time and time again.

“All of our members talk about a return on investment, and it’s sometimes very hard to measure. But membership in SSGA, that hasn’t been difficult. This has been a no brainer,” Sinner said. “This has been a situation where people have become members because they’ve seen and recognized how important the return on investment is for the things that we do at SSGA.”

Addressing transportation challenges and opportunities has remained a key SSGA priority. In addition to Transportation Go!, SSGA has hosted multiple trade missions with stakeholders and the Department of Transportation to promote the St. Lawrence Seaway, most recently in Rotterdam in September 2024.

“The St. Lawrence Seaway is a regional solution that the region needs to support, and we documented that,” he said. “That trip did wonders for educating us in our region about what needs to happen next and giving us business opportunities. It’s also cemented the reputation of the U.S. Great Lakes St. Lawrence Seaway administration with their European customers that the Seaway needs to be taken seriously.”


Fork to farm

Under Wenberg’s leadership, SSGA unveiled in December 2021 its flagship program: the first-of-its-kind U.S. Identity Preserved assurance plan and brand mark program to ensure customers are receiving the exact qualities and characteristics that they order. After an international launch in 2022, followed by the inaugural Identity Preserved International Summit in 2023, the program has garnered certification from 18 U.S. companies. In September 2024, the brand was licensed for the first time to a foreign company for use on their retail packaging and/or promotional materials.

Wenberg is bullish about the program’s long-term future.

“Businesses are seeing value from that certification because we’re making decisions based on the needs of these businesses,” he said.

Wenberg said members are finding value in SSGA’s agronomy action team, which pulls together farmers, researchers and agronomists from member states.

“For the first time, we now have farmers and businesses discussing crop management and seed issues from across state lines,” he said. “That’s been very beneficial.”

SSGA also successfully negotiated a three-year delay of implementation of Japan’s new requirement for a phytosanitary certificate for U.S.-origin shipments of soybeans and soymeal. During that period, SSGA worked with the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) to develop a stronger process approach for inspections of high-quality grains and oilseeds grown in the United States and exported or processed for human consumption. Wenberg said members have reported that the phytosanitary program is the highest ROI a trade association has ever delivered to its members.

“We just happened to have the creativity and smarts to package the expertise and the ability and the high-quality part of the network into a solution that was satisfactory to all,” Wenberg said. “I think that’s why I’m certain SSGA will succeed in the years ahead, is the high-quality grain and soybean market needs a voice. We’re that voice.”


All about the people

Through a pandemic, remote work, national events and international meetings, Wenberg always remembered that he was part of a global network, an attribute appreciated by SSGA’s board and staff.

It all comes back to relationships.

“He’s not only been our leader,” Sinner said, “but he’s been a friend and a real benefit to all of us.”

Having a passionate, engaged board made the job easier.

“My job was made easier by the professionalism of the volunteers backing this organization,” Wenberg said. “I have the most active board you could imagine. They have been there for me to call and ask for help.”

Wenberg was always available to share insight, or a dad joke, with colleagues.

“I have personally learned so much from Eric, including doing SSGA’s work with integrity, enthusiasm, creativity and, even with a little sense of humor,” Frederick said. “All of that can go a long way into making your programs and activities successful on behalf of your members and their businesses.”

Wenberg credited Ag Management Solutions (AMS), which has overseen SSGA’s operations since its inception and recently brought Williams, a transportation expert, into the fold.

“AMS is such a professional group that goes after agriculture with passion,” he said. “I’ve worked all over the world and found the most passionate people about agriculture in Mankato, Minnesota.”

Wenberg said he’ll continue supporting SSGA as the organization searches for his replacement. In the meantime, he plans to spend more time with his wife, Pam, and his two adult daughters while working on his honey-do list, starting with painting his 1973 Volkswagen Beetle.

“You don’t get to start things like this very often in your career,” he said. “It was a privilege.”

SSGA board adds new members

The SSGA Board of Directors has filled two vacancies, adding Eric Kresin of Scoular and Jordan Atchison of PURIS Grains to the board.

Eric Kresin, Scoular

Jordan Atchison, PURIS Grains

Kresin has more than 15 years of experience exporting commodities, including 10 exporting identity preserved and variety specific grains and oilseeds. He has also traveled extensively throughout Asia promoting identity preserved grains in previous roles. He is a general manager with Scoular in Overland Park, Kan.

Since joining PURIS in 2006, Atchison has risen the ranks with the Randolph, Minn., company where he currently serves as president. His focus includes maintaining business relationships and developing new ones with customers.

“I’m impressed with Eric and Jordan’s passion and desire to participate on the SSGA board of directors. They both have a strong interest to represent their own companies and the industry in the identity preserved space,” said Bob Sinner, SSGA Chair. “The SSGA board and members look forward to draw on their expertise and welcome them to the board.”

Kresin and Atchison’s first duties as board members will include SSGA’s board meeting Sept. 12-13 in Mankato, Minn.

South Asia holds challenges, opportunities for U.S. identity preserved

In late June, SSGA participated in the Workshop on Manufacturing & Demonstration of Soy Food Products in Bhopal, India. The workshop was a collaboration among SSGA, U.S. Soybean Export Council (USSEC) and the Soy Food Promotion and Welfare Association.  

Soy food manufacturers and stakeholders from India, Nepal and Sri Lanka attended the workshop. Demonstrations included dehulling and splitting of soybeans and production demonstrations for various soy foods. SSGA representative Rob Prather attended and presented about the power of using U.S. Identity Preserved soybeans for manufacturing soy food products. 

 Prather said South Asia presents new challenges for SSGA and its member exporters, while also providing opportunity for growth and expansion. 

 “The potential of joint workings of India, Nepal and the U.S. for the furthering of identity preserved products far exceeds the intimidation of current barriers,” Prather said. “Successful navigation of India and Nepal casts a new mold for future expansion of U.S. identity preserved products, not just soybeans, into new, highly populated markets with protein and nutrition-deficient diets.” 

SSGA will return to Nepal Sept. 19 for an Identity Preserved International Summit Workshop. The workshops will introduce SSGA, its members and the U.S. Identity Preserved assurance plan and brand mark with presentations on IP advantages (quality, traceability, economics), contracting, farming practices, crop updates and labeling. These events will be an excellent primer for the Identity Preserved International Summit that is scheduled for Feb. 18-20, 2025, in Honolulu, Hawaii. The workshop is supported by the USDA Agricultural Trade Promotion (ATP) grant, along with Minnesota Soybean Research & Promotion Council, Wisconsin Soybean Marketing Board, Missouri Soybean Merchandising Council and North Dakota Soybean Council. 


SSGA’s international representatives in Asia

SSGA is the identity preserved alliance of the United States, so we’re thrilled to have this very experienced team working on behalf of our member businesses in international markets to grow exports and the value of exports through the U.S. Identity Preserved program, which includes the brand mark/label. They may be reaching out to your businesses, as they do market assessments and look to better understand the wants and needs of the markets in which they’re representing the high-quality, specialty field crop sector of agriculture. Please cooperate with them where and when you are able. They will be respectful of business confidentiality. They are also here to help you with your questions and can assist you if and when you travel to their countries and regions. If you have further questions, please reach out to Manager of Strategic Programs Shane Frederick.

SSGA’s new team of Asia Representatives are located in Japan, Korea, and Thailand (serving Southeast Asia). They each have a deep background with various U.S. agricultural products, a strong relationship with the FAS offices in their respective countries and, of course, communicate fluently in English. The team will serve SSGA needs under the coordination of Amy Burdett and Susan Weller of International Collaborative Consulting.

Japan Team

Izumi Amano, Motix – Marketing

Based in Tokyo, Izumi works at MOTIX, which has successfully represented a range of U.S. agricultural organizations since 2001 in creating tangible opportunities for sales – including the Cranberry Marketing Committee, American Egg Board, American Pistachio Growers, the American Peanut Council, USA Poultry and Egg Export Council, and California Milk Advisory Board (CMAB). Activities they continue to implement in Japan include chef competitions, magazine tie-ins, menu promotions, SNS posts, educational seminars for professionals and culinary school students, newsletter development, menu promotions, trade servicing, in-store retail promotions, trade shows, consumer workshops, market research and government relations.

Izumi’s extensive promotional experience and connections with the Japanese foodservice and manufacturing industries as well as her high level of knowledge of program implementation will be an asset to the execution of SSGA events and activities.

Keiichi (Ken) Tanaka – Technical

Based just outside of Tokyo, Ken has a strong wherewithal of the purchasing practices of the Japanese trade, having worked for the National Federation of Agricultural Cooperatives Association for over 23 years. He worked in the purchasing and sales of grains and soybean as a trader. He communicated with U.S. grains and soybean suppliers for high-quality food grade soybeans as well as feed and was involved in IP handling of corn and soybeans. His strong acumen in grains, trade communications and trade servicing will highly benefit SSGA’s efforts in the market.

Korea Team

Jennie Lee

Based in Seoul, Jennie began her career working for a shipping company, accumulating knowledge in logistics and international trade for four years before she joined a marketing company that specialized in working for multiple USDA cooperator organizations for 15 years, representing products such as U.S. potatoes, California walnuts, and California wines. As a program manager, she worked closely with the trade to keep abreast of the market situation and to manage trade relations. She planned and conducted cooperative promotional activities, B2B/B2C educational training, as well as public relations. She is now an independent agricultural marketing analyst for U.S.-based suppliers and nonprofit trade organizations. Jennie is a firm believer in the U.S. agricultural industry, due to its superior quality standard and sustainability effort. She is also an avid supporter of USDA’s overseas marketing programs.

Southeast Asian Team

Kraipob Pangsapa, Pangsapa Company Limited

Located in Thailand, Pangsapa Company Limited has been providing marketing consultancy services since 2000, including market intelligence, trade servicing and consumer promotions in Thailand, Philippines, Myanmar, Laos, Malaysia, Vietnam and Singapore. Their clients include Cotton Council International, Cotton Incorporated and Potatoes USA and the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture. They have representatives on the ground in all five of SSGA’s targeted Southeast Asian markets. Pangsapa Company Limited is led by Mr. Kraipob Pangsapa, a Thai national. Kraipob has an international education that includes American universities.

Member Profile: Jake Noll, Richland IFC

Jake Noll didn’t grow up on a farm but learned to love agriculture by being involved on his grandparents’ operation during the summers. Working alongside his uncle, Noll’s appreciation for agriculture grew throughout his childhood.

However, fate led Noll to stay in the construction business after building houses for several years. Eventually, he and his brother created their own construction company in the Twin Cities. After staying in the construction business until 2009, Noll felt the need to return to the agriculture industry and purchased a seed processing plant with two uncles and a cousin.

Two years later, Noll got more involved in specialty soybeans and exports through the processing plant. Rick Brandenburger, the president of Richland IFC, was there as a mentor for Noll and helped make the processing plant what it is today. When Richland had an open position for a procurement manager, Noll jumped at the opportunity at the advice from Brandenburger. Now, Noll works for the company as a general manager.

“I have a little bit of involvement everywhere,” Noll said. “I enjoy that part, because I get to see a little bit of everything and help bridge gaps.”

In his position, Noll’s main involvement is in procurement, but he also helps out with marketing, logistics and plant operations, and every once in a while, he helps with accounting.

Before Noll started at Richland, he got involved in the Specialty Soya and Grains Alliance (SSGA) as a member during its early stages. Now that he is at Richland, the benefits of membership show up in many ways.

“SSGA is supportive of the majority of our business because of what it does,” he said. “It’s very difficult for one company to educate the masses in other countries, but SSGA has that reach and has the staff to educate. It’s a benefit.”

Noll recognizes that the work that SSGA does has directly benefited him in his current position. One example of this is the High Quality Specialty Grains program, which allows Richland to stay competitive in the marketplace.

However, the programs that come out of SSGA are not the only benefit to becoming a member. Noll has seen major returns just from being in the same room as others who are knowledgeable about the specialty soy industry.

“The benefit of working with those groups on projects is that it brings out different viewpoints,” said Noll. “We can get together and come up with solutions to those problems that we both have.”

A year prior to getting onto the board, Noll joined the SSGA’s food grade soya action team after Executive Director Eric Wenberg encouraged him to become more involved. On the committee, Noll was able to engage in the work that was being done to educate others about Identity Preserved soybeans.

As committee chair, Noll enjoys being able to provide insight and make recommendations to the board. Because of his work on the committee, Noll was encouraged to run for a board position and was elected last year.

“I wanted more involvement, and I want to keep learning more,” Noll said. “It was the next step for me to help shape the organization.”

Noll has seen the benefit of becoming a member of SSGA and encourages others in the specialty soybean field to get involved.

“You gain a lot of insight and access to programs,” he said. “I would think there’s everything to gain by becoming a member.”

IP Crop Network, August Report

This monthly feature from SSGA’s Agronomy Action Team highlights growing conditions for Identity Preserved crops from different regions around the country. Thanks to the states/regions that contributed this month. If you would like to contribute, please get in touch with David Kee or Shane Frederick. You should also follow David Kee on Twitter for some of the latest, most-interesting information on agronomy and research that affect IP and other farmers.


Illinois’ crop condition continues to slowly improve as we head into August, a very critical month for determining soybean yield. The “old timers” always say: “Rain in August is what makes a bean crop.” As we head into the second week, most of the state has had adequate rainfall over the past 30 days, with this week calling for three strong chances of rain and lower than average temps. By the time this moisture dries up we will be halfway through August with a crop that continues to improve.

The double-crop beans planted after wheat have already closed the stubble and are growing exceptionally well. With continued rains, I could foresee 50-60bu double-crop beans. Having cut 100bu wheat across many acres, that makes for a pretty profitable acre.

The story is: We could be sitting on a very good soybean crop in Illinois. In my 30 years working in agriculture, I have seen farmers to be pretty pessimistic as a whole … so when they are saying this could be a good crop, hang on!

– Scott A. Eversgerd, Field Agronomist – Southern Illinois, Pioneer Hi-Bred Int’l



The condition of most Michigan crops has improved over the past month. Rainfall and warm temperatures have allowed significant plant growth and growth stage advancement. The most recent USDA Crop Weather Report shows topsoil moisture to be in surplus on 28% and adequate on 59% of fields. Crop condition ratings continue to show some residual effect from early season stress where 42% are rated good to excellent, 46% fair and 12% poor to very poor. These ratings are consistently improving each month as rainfall has alleviated early season emergence and growth issues.

Much of Michigan has received some rainfall in early August, and that is providing optimism to growers as they consider the yield potential of this crop. Weed escapes are showing in some fields with weeds poking through the crop canopy. Pre-emerge herbicides provided variable control due to dry soil conditions, while post-emerge herbicides also experienced challenges with control of drought-stressed weeds, then more weeds emerged with rainfall after post-herbicide applications.

Foliar disease and white mold symptoms on soybeans are minimal at this point. Concern remains for both as conditions are favorable in some fields.

Growers keep a watchful eye on crop pests but hold hope for beneficial August weather to pull this crop through an interesting year.

– Mark Seamon, Research Director, Michigan Soybean Committee



Minnesota is dry. According to the drought monitor, 100% of the state is rated abnormally dry to severe drought stage. However, farmers are still cautiously optimistic as the state’s soils, as a group, have decent water-holding capacity. USDA-NASS crop progress reports topsoil moisture supplies were rated 68% very short-percent short and 32% percent adequate to surplus. Subsoil moisture was rated 66% very short to short and 34% adequate to surplus. There was widespread rain this weekend, but it will be too late for some crops.

Crop growth is progressing, but slightly ahead of average. Soybeans blooming or beyond reached 93%, setting pods reached 71%. Corn silk was at 96% and dough stage reached 56%. Spring wheat harvest has started and reached 91% coloring. It appears, due to the delayed planting date, the harvest window will be very compacted.

Reports from several wind shield surveys indicate weed control programs were largely successful. However, canopy closure is delayed, and most farmers have used a second pass program to insure weed damage was limited, especially for waterhemp. Due to the dry and hot June through July, iron deficiency chlorosis (IDC) flared up in many western Minnesota soybean fields. Other diseases/syndromes were evident but not widespread.

Actual corn and soybean yield in 2023 will be greatly dependent on rainfall and soil moisture loss as seed/kernels fill over the next six weeks. Rain from the weekend storms was very helpful, but more will be needed before the crop is in. Due to the late planting and variable soil moisture status, yield estimates will be highly variable. We will know more about 2023 yield when the combines roll.

– David Kee, Director of Research, Minnesota Soybean Research and Promotion Council



Rain finally has picked back up over the past couple weeks across much of Missouri. Unfortunately for our most impacted areas, this came too little too late. Driving across the northwestern to north-central region last week, many soybeans were shorter than knee-high and corn was being chopped for livestock feed. There are many other pockets throughout the state in a similar situation. In other areas these rains will push the crop through the finish line, especially for soybean.

The rains have flared up a complex of diseases in both corn and soybeans. A talk at a University of Missouri field day last week was focused on why there are so many yellow soybean fields throughout the state. Phytophthora was the main suspect with a complex of other diseases contributing. A local veterinarian indicated that dry years like this followed by rain often flare up many soil-borne diseases in cattle as well, an interesting parallel. Tar spot is always top of mind these days, and while we did see it earlier in Missouri than ever before, it still seems to be sequestered to the northwest part of the state, although, we suspect more is out there undetected.

The combines will answer the question in about a month on what is out there for a crop. Regardless of what the monitor says, many farmers will be glad to move past the 2023 growing season. It was a tough one in Missouri.

Based upon USDA data, the Missouri corn crop is 97% silking with 70% of the crop at dough. About 5% of the corn crop is at dent with 27% of the overall state crop being rated as “good.” The soybean crop is progressing with 86% of the crop at bloom and 61% of the crop setting pods. Only 27% of the state’s soybean crop is rated in “good” condition. One crop that has thrived during these dry conditions across the state has been cotton, which almost has completed squaring (98%) with 78% of the crop setting bolls. With no open bolls seen across the state, we find the crop from Southeast Missouri representing as 66% “good” and 27% as “fair.” The Missouri rice crop is progressing with 70% of the crop headed. Overall, the rice crop is rated as 65% “good.”

– Eric Oseland, Director of Agronomy and Research, Missouri Soybeans; and Bryan Stobaugh, Director of Licensing & Commercialization, Missouri Soybeans



For the week ending on August 6, Wisconsin farmers had approximately six suitable days for fieldwork, as reported by the USDA-NASS Report. Most of the state experienced a dry week, which accelerated the harvesting of hay and small grain crops. Parts of the northeast and east-central regions received some rain, partially alleviating the drought impacts.

Corn silking had progressed to 83% completion, which is 9% ahead of the average for the previous year and only 3% ahead of the averages for 2018 and 2022. About 20% of the corn had entered the dough stage. The corn’s condition received a rating of 53% in the good to excellent range, marking a 2% decrease from the prior week and a 5% decrease from the previous year.”

Soybean blooming has reached 86%, equal to the progress of the previous year and 1% ahead of the five-year average. Forty-two percent of the soybeans were putting on pods. The condition of the soybeans was rated at 52% good to excellent, the same as the previous week and a decrease of 7% from the previous year.

In Wisconsin, most of the corn and soybean crops maintain a favorable condition. However, moving forward, adequate rainfall is necessary to facilitate their maturation and achieve satisfactory yields.

Shawn Conley, State Extension Soybean and Small Grain Specialist, University of Wisconsin-Madison


Note: To see state Crop Progress reports from USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS): click here.

IP Crop Network, July Report

This monthly feature from SSGA’s Agronomy Action Team highlights growing conditions for Identity Preserved crops from different regions around the country. Thanks to the states/regions that contributed this month. If you would like to contribute, please get in touch with David Kee or Shane Frederick. You should also follow David Kee on Twitter for some of the latest, most-interesting information on agronomy and research that affect IP and other farmers.



The USDA puts the crop at 36% good to excellent, a 6% improvement over the last report, but still 25% behind the five-year average.

Most of Illinois has seen significant relief from the dry conditions beginning the last few days of June. That rain did come with some substantial winds and storms and has done significant crop damage in several areas throughout the state. Soybeans obviously fared much better than corn, but some localized hail events were hard on some soybean fields. We will need continued rains over the next 6-8 weeks to finish the soybean crop, but there is still a chance for a very good crop.

Most of the earliest planted fields did hit the reproductive stages by June 21, which is the goal to capture maximum sunlight/yield potential. In a few areas it has already started, but fungicide applications will get going pretty heavily by the middle of next week and follow the maturity for the next month. We will plant soybeans for four months somewhere in the state. The double-crop beans after wheat finished up last week in the south-central part of the state.

Late July and August rains are critical for the success of the Illinos soybean crop. The forecast for the next 10 days holds significant chances of rain across the state, so it looks like we will make it through most of July. … August will be the wildcard.

– Scott A. Eversgerd, Field Agronomist – Southern Illinois, Pioneer Hi-Bred Int’l



The soybean crop in Michigan has gotten some relief from the very dry conditions in June in sporadic rainfall in early July. Nearly all of the rainfall events have been scattered with some areas receiving adequate amounts, while others are left needing more. Whatever the amount, farmers are thankful for the improvement in their crops. The most recent USDA crop progress report indicated that 62% of the state has adequate to surplus moisture in the topsoil. This has resulted in 31% of the soybean crop rated as good to excellent.

The most-advanced soybean crop growth stage is R2 with many fields just beginning to flower at R1. Some fields with limited soil moisture at planting have plants that are at R1 while other skips in the crop stand are filling in with unifoliate plants that have emerged with the recent rainfall. Variable maturity at harvest is likely in many fields.

Many growers are relieved that their crop stress has been relieved with rainfall but are still concerned as soil moisture is temporary with the increased crop size and water needs. “Cautiously optimistic” may describe much grower sentiment at this time.

– Mark Seamon, Research Director, Michigan Soybean Committee



Minnesota is dry! According to the July 6 drought monitor report, 98% of the state is in abnormally dry (D0) to severe (D2) drought status. In the July 3 Minnesota crop progress report, topsoil moisture supplies were rated 46% short to very short, 51% adequate and 3% surplus. Subsoil moisture supplies were rated 50% very short to short, 46% adequate, and 4% surplus.

Most of the annual crops are now in the reproductive growth stages, the period of maximum evapotranspiration and sensitivity to drought damage (seed set and seed fill). Small grain crop yields have already been impacted in northwest Minnesota. Much of June saw drought, excessive heat (>95oF), and smoke from Canadian wildfires that impacted small grain canopy height and will impact seed set and seed fill.

As soybean and corn are currently in early reproductive stages, timely rains could still provide moisture needed for decent yields. Consequently, yield for these crops is predicted to be highly variable due to summer precipitation patterns (scattered thundershowers across the landscape).

Disease and insect pressure have been manageable to date. Weed control programs have been largely effective to date. Residual herbicide activity was impacted by the drought, and control for most of the pre-emergent programs have lapsed. The lack of canopy closure over much of the soybeans is worrisome; crop yield will be dependent on the success of post-emergent weed control program.

The current recommendation is to scout, scout then scout some more. These, and other, concerns will make July and August two very long months.

– David Kee, Director of Research, Minnesota Soybean Research and Promotion Council



It has been dry around Missouri. We are averaging about six workdays per week as given to us by the USDA’s survey. In recent days we have seen some rain and are looking into the forecast seeing that we have good chances this week with higher humidity and temperatures coming in the next 3-5 days.

Missouri’s corn crop is 52% silking with about 3% at dough, and 23% of the crop is rated as good. The soybean crop across the state has 37% blooming with 6% setting pods, and about 23% is rated as good. The state’s cotton crop is moving through the dry season, as expected, very well, and about 76% of the crop is squaring with 6% of the crop setting bolls. The cotton crop in southeast Missouri is thriving with 67% of the crop rated as good. The rice crop in southeast Missouri is also progressing, and it is showing about 22% of the crop as headed with 64% of the crop rated as good. Our winter wheat crop is almost harvested for the season, and we are seeing our pasture and range land taking a big hit with the minimal amounts of rain we have had. Only 4% of the state’s range and pastureland are rated as good.

We are needing rain across the entire state, and we have high hopes for the predicted rain to come to fruition this week.

– Eric Oseland, Director of Agronomy and Research, Missouri Soybeans


North Dakota

North Dakota experienced hot and dry growing conditions in early June with scattered and patchy rains. Last week’s average daily air temperatures trended normal or below normal according to records from NDAWN stations. The northeast region remains dry with little, or no rain received last week, which negatively impacted crop development.

Soybeans and other broad-leaf crops such as field peas and canola started to flower. IDC symptoms continue to show up in soybeans. Soybean aphids were observed a few weeks ago. Grasshopper populations are slowly increasing, and the nymphs are becoming big. Scouting continues to be important to monitor and manage various insects and disease pests.

It has also been hot and dry in northwest North Dakota. Scattered and patchy rains were not enough to alleviate the drought stress that crops experienced in the past several weeks. Crop growth stages are in a wide range, from flowering to heading.

South-central North Dakota received about 0.1-1.5-inches of rain last week, but more rain is needed during the coming weeks.

Overall, most of North Dakota is experiencing dry conditions. Soil moisture at 4- and 8-inch depths show deficits mainly in the northwestern part of the states and north of I-94, with optimum to excess moisture mainly south of I-94 and several locations in eastern North Dakota. Widespread and timely rains are needed to overcome dry conditions during the pod-filling period of various crops.

Miki Miheguli, Research Programs Coordinator, North Dakota Soybean Council



According to the latest USDA-NASS report, Wisconsin farmers experienced six favorable days for fieldwork during the week ending on July 9. The growth of crops was aided by sporadic rain, particularly in the western regions of the state, resulting in a 1% increase in the condition of soybeans and a 2% increase in the condition of corn compared to the previous week.

Currently, 42% of soybeans and 45% of corn are reported to be in good to excellent condition. However, persistent dry conditions continue to pose challenges for crop growth across most of the state. The corn crop has begun to silk, with 2% completion, only 2% behind the average recorded between 2018 and 2022. In contrast, soybean blooming has reached 22%, trailing behind the five-year average by 10%, with 1% of fields starting to set pods.

Looking ahead, the forthcoming days will prove critical for crop yields in Wisconsin, as below-average rainfall remains a concern for optimal crop development and production.

Shawn Conley, State Extension Soybean and Small Grain Specialist, University of Wisconsin-Madison


Note: To see state Crop Progress reports from USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS): click here.

FIRST in its class: SSGA uses third-party field trials for assurance

Everyone loves a good mystery.

When farmers plant – and end users buy – soybeans, they don’t want a mystery. They want to know exactly what they’re going to get.

That’s where Farmers’ Independent Research of Seed Technologies (FIRST) comes in.

As a third-party company, FIRST provides unbiased comparisons of seed genetics, improving yield and profitability for corn and soybean growers. FIRST tests seed products in 15 states and uses field managers and their independent businesses to identify, plant and harvest over 500 tests across over 300 locations.

“One of our strongest selling points is that we are strictly independent and unbiased; we’re not associated with any seed companies or private entities,” said Mark Querna, southern Minnesota FIRST manager. “We also set ourselves apart by our data turnaround. Within 48 hours of harvesting a site, the information will be on our website and available to anyone around the world.”

FIRST is a vital piece of solving mysteries for Specialty Soya and Grains Alliance’s (SSGA) member companies by supplying SSGA with the necessary tools to carry out their mission.

SSGA is focused on the production, processing and shipping of U.S. Identity Preserved field crops. The organization works to facilitate the supply and sale of specialty crops needed to fulfill the market on behalf of its members. Without accurate and pertinent data, this facilitation becomes difficult.

“One of the things that SSGA feels they’re missing right now is that data set of field trials of specialty soybean varieties,” said Scott Sinner, sales and supply at SB&B Foods. “If we can provide our member companies the opportunity to submit varieties to put in these trials to gain that data set, we hope that it will translate into additional acres and additional supply for all of our member companies.”

Historically, the trial data available regarding specialty soybeans has been limited. Keith Schrader, who grows corn and soybeans near Nerstrand, Minn., was a strong proponent of expanding FIRST trials to include specialty soybeans.

“Keith is the one who kept pressuring me to include food grade beans in the trials,” said Querna. “I also had a strong interest in providing more of this data because I was an organic farmer from 2004 to 2019.”

The database that FIRST provides benefits everyone on the food chain – from farmers all the way to end users. Schrader participates in FIRST trials to ensure that the varieties he grows on his farm have the traits he’s seeking.

“We wanted to be able to use the results from the FIRST trials to look at cross sections and see what worked well,” said Schrader, who is a past SSGA director. “On the customer side, it’s important to show what the yield is, along with protein, oil, sugars and amino acids, which proves to the customer what kind of product they’re getting, especially on new varieties that are being used in the FIRST trials.”

Out of all the trial work Schrader could participate in, FIRST was an easy choice.

“Information is key to our industry. Other than state commodity groups, FIRST is the only organization that I’m aware of that does independent trial work,” Schrader said. “Their protocols don’t vary from state to state or county to county – everything follows the same protocol – so it’s really easy to follow on a nationwide basis.”

Along with growers, FIRST proves to be invaluable to processors.

“As a processor, we go to the end user first and find the genetics that work for their food product. Then, we bring it back and start looking at agronomic traits and making sure those traits fulfill the needs of the farmer. We can’t do that without the partnership that we have with FIRST,” said Sinner, who also sits on SSGA’s agronomy action team. “The third party, unbiased testing on all of these genetics allows us to show the farmers that these genetics absolutely perform and they’re going to work on their farms.”

As the specialty soybean trial data portfolio expands, FIRST will continue to rely on growers to drive the research.

“FIRST is nothing without our farmer hosts,” said Ed Dahle, central Minnesota FIRST manager.

True to their mission, FIRST’s comparisons of innovative seed genetics provide growers, processors and end users with the information they seek, so that choosing a variety doesn’t turn into solving a mystery.

“It’s making sure that we have all of the tools in the toolbox to be able to provide the farmer what they need as well as what the customer needs,” Sinner said.