The Specialty Soya and Grains Alliance is currently seeking proposals in the following areas:
RFP: Identity Preserved Field Crop Technical Consultant
Proposal deadline: May 20, 2024 at 5 p.m. CT
SSGA requests proposals to advance approved Agricultural Trade Promotion projects for branding the United States as a quality origin for identity preserved field crops like soybeans and soya products and specialty grains. SSGA built a U.S. Identity Preserved assurance plan and created an Identity Preserved United States brand mark that were launched in December 2021 are currently in use by 15 U.S. companies. The primary duty of the technical consultant advisor is to further develop, with technical experts, content, education and advice about purchasing identity preserved field crops from the United States for sharing and outreach to foreign buyers.
The technical consultant will work with designated SSGA staff and consultants to develop and verify content for and SSGA University, as well as materials for trade shows, conferences, meetings, seminars and webinars. The advisor will rely on their skills and experiences in export sales and distribution to take available content and resources and develop answers to complex business, utilizations, and logistics questions to implement online content and tools. SSGA has in place technical materials and ideas that need to be brought to life as messages for foreign buyers and training tools for importers. The advisor will research and suggest content, strategies, and concepts.
RFP: Identity Preserved Technical Advisor – South Asia
Proposal deadline: May 20, 2024 at 5 p.m. CT
The Specialty Soya and Grains Alliance (SSGA) – the identity preserved alliance of the United States – requests proposals to assist in implementing projects related to its programs under the Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS)/Agricultural Trade Program (ATP) to increase exports of U.S. identity preserved specialty soya and specialty grains through foreign market development programs. SSGA is looking for an International Identity Preserved Technical Advisor (IPTA) to perform work related to the South Asia region.
The purpose of the International Identity Preserved Technical Advisor is to develop, manage and oversee the implementation of SSGA initiatives and projects in the region. The IPTA implements SSGA projects, provides administrative, logistical, and regulatory/information support for those projects to help expand US exports of IP products to the area. The advisor liaises with other associations involved in this field. The role (or position) reports directly to SSGA Executive Director but will work with SSGA partner contractors and members in the country/region.
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1020 Innovation Lane
Mankato, MN, 56001
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