SSGA meets on inland ramps, administration change
By Gary Williams, Director of Transportation and Regulatory Affairs
A delegation of SSGA representatives recently visited Washington, D.C., to meet with U.S. Department of Transportation, the Federal Maritime. Commission and other national organizations. The delegation included Tina Lyons, chair of the Competitive Shipping Action Team, SSGA Board Chair Bob Sinner, and Director of Transportation and Regulatory Affairs, Gary Williams.
In meetings with the National Grain and Feed Association (NGFA) and North American Export Grain Association (NAEGA), discussions were held about priorities for the coming year and a recap of progress and events of the past year. Williams and Lyons met with the associations to give updates on our segment of value added and identity preserved grains and oilseeds, particularly on barriers faced in inland equipment availability for export, and our ongoing project in advancing the utilization of the St. Lawrence Seaway as an alternative for container imports and exports. Alejandra Castillo, the Executive Director of NAEGA, will speak at the Identity Preserved International Summit in Honolulu Feb.18-20, about electronic documentation in exports.
The tandem also met with the National Waterways Council to learn of their priorities involving the inland waterways and provide an update on SSGA’s work on the Great Lakes.
SSGA Chair Bob Sinner has spearheaded a consideration with the USDA Sec. Tom Vilsack, involving the Port of Los Angeles, carrier line representatives, rail and numerous agricultural product exporter associations (including SSGA) to discuss potential solutions that might help better provide access for inland agricultural concerns to reach foreign markets, particularly value-added products such as members prevalently are wanting to sell and ship. The meeting of all the layers in the supply chain to discuss this type of transportation barrier was “unprecedented” in either of Sec. Vilsack’s two terms according to the Secretary. Collectively, value was determined to be garnered by advancing the conversations, and SSGA will continue to be involved in the conversation.
Sinner, Lyons and Wiliams met with current Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) Chairman Dan Maffei to discuss the Commission’s expected priorities coming into the administration transition. With Carl Bentzel departing the FMC, a new Commissioner appointed by the President will join the four remaining Commissioners, with the Chairman typically appointed by the President. Current Chair Maffei is planned as a speaker at SSGA’s upcoming Transportation Go! March 12-13 in Minneapolis.
Rounding off the week, Lyons and Williams met with Allison Dane-Camden from the Department of Transportation (DOT) and Adam Tindall-Schlicht and Tony Fisher of the St. Lawrence Seaway (SLS) Administration. They debriefed SSGA’s networking and outreach event in Rotterdam, Antwerp and Amsterdam held in September with the Minnesota Department of Agriculture and association representatives from Minnesota, Wisconsin and Illinois. Peter Hirthe of SLS, Tindall-Schlicht and Dane-Camden were large components of the event educating those that influence transportation decisions on the value of the Great Lakes and the SLS as a consideration for the transportation of their goods, whether importing or exporting. A review of intended next action steps and activities were discussed with DOT and the SLS during the Washington, D.C., meeting as a springboard for discussion as the new Administration takes their place in Washington.
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