SSGA supports Federal Maritime Commission’s investigation

FMC to look into shipping practices that have disrupted U.S. ag exports

The Specialty Soya and Grains Alliance (SSGA), which recently voiced concern about major disruptions in the agricultural export supply chain, applauds the Federal Maritime Commission’s decision to expand its fact-finding authority and investigate ocean carrier and marine terminal practices that are leading to delays and other hardships.

The FMC is investigating whether “potentially unreasonable” policies and practices related to detention and demurrage, export container return practices and export container availability are in violation of the U.S. Shipping Act.

“The time has come to resolve the most serious impediments to port performance. …” Commissioner Rebecca Dye said Friday in an FMC statement. “The Order emphasizes I, as Fact Finding Officer, have all enforcement options at my disposal to address the crisis that exists in our major port gateways.”

SSGA also congratulates and thanks the Agriculture Transportation Coalition (AgTC) and its members in efforts to brief commissioners, members of Congress and other officials in federal and state government about practices that are greatly hindering the timely export of agricultural products, especially from rural and inland suppliers in the Upper Midwest.

Last month, after hearing concerns from its members, SSGA raised the matter that a major container ocean carrier had informed exporters that it was suspending overseas agricultural container shipments from North America. Rather than reposition empty containers to inland marketplaces such as Minneapolis for critical food and ag products, containers would immediately and directly be sent back to Asian shipping centers, forgoing any U.S. export shipments to keep up with demand for high-value consumer imports.

Besides bookings being canceled and denied, the supply chain of agricultural exports has been disrupted by lack of communication about changes in early return dates deadlines, inefficient use of free time, lack of notice and rejected cargo, as well as by extreme costs in unwarranted demurrage and detention penalty charges.

SSGA joins AgTC in calling for a prompt response and vigorous enforcement of the law in order to quickly stop the bleeding and heal the injury caused by these dysfunctional practices at a critical time for export shipments to serve overseas food-manufacturing customers.

“Our members have heard from customers in Asia that they question whether the United States and its agricultural exporters can continue to be reliable suppliers based on the difficulties of intermodal shipping today,” SSGA Executive Director Eric Wenberg said. “Ocean carriers need to work with us to solve these transport problems and get our goods back to Asian ports. The U.S. reputation of being a strong exporter of quality food to foreign customers is on the line. We have to act.”

SSGA will continue to reach out to and work with government agencies and officials and industry allies to keep these issues on their radar until they are resolved.

Competitive Shipping: Coverage of exporter challenges, FMC action

Compiled by Bruce Abbe, SSGA Adviser for Trade and Transportation

Here are additional industry news reports and links from the past week to provide deeper background on the current crisis in the global container shipping system and the Federal Maritime Commission’s decision to investigate carrier practices at U.S. ports, particularly at the ports of Los Angeles, Long Beach, New York and New Jersey, port complexes where the import surge and congestion has been the worst.

American Shipper/Freightwaves columnist Lori Ann LaCrocco offered insights and commentary Nov. 16 on how U.S. agriculture exporters and trucking industry were urging the FMC to regulate ocean carriers. On Nov. 20, LaRocco reported on the FMC’s decision to investigate for CNBC,  noting that the FMC could assess civil penalties on foreign shippers.

Ag imports stymied

The Journal of Commerce reported on Nov. 19, the day before the FMC action was announced, how container shortages and vessel delays were stymieing U.S. agricultural exporters.

The JOC report highlighted how the clog at Los Angeles and Long Beach impacts the rest of the system: “The biggest problem is that the ships are late leaving Southern California” due to labor shortages and congestion, one terminal operator president noted, leaving the vessels often a week late getting up to Oakland for their next stop to off load and load containers.

Ron Brown, Port of Oakland Marketing and Commodities representative, explained to JOC: “With the recent surge of import cargo along the West Coast to make up for earlier blank sailings, our agriculture exporters are seeing changes in sailing schedules, and in some cases canceled books as carriers are repositioning containers to Asia.” Brown urged carriers to consider the impacts of their decisions to forego export loads to return empties to Asia on “an important sector of the U.S. economy.”

Call for D&D penalty suspension

The Agriculture Transportation Coalition, the southern California-based Harbor Trucking Association and the Pacific Coast Council of Freight Forwarders and Customs Brokers organization jointly called on the FMC to suspend detention and demurrage penalties at the ports of Long Beach, Los Angeles and New York-New Jersey until the current congestion crisis at the ports dissipates.

Containers are ‘new gold’

Shipping containers, now in short supply like never before, have become the “new gold amid a black swan box squeeze” according to Freightwaves.

Ocean carriers doing just fine, thank you

Meanwhile, earnings reports from the global ocean carriers have been coming out, and with rate increases for east-bound Trans Pacific and Asia-Europe shipments of imported boxes from Asian manufacturers hitting record levels, the ocean carriers have been doing just fine.

Carrier earnings have been forecast by one leading shipping consultancy to be the best in a decade.

French carrier CMA CMG reported this week its profits were up more than 500% in the third quarter – and the fourth quarter reportedly “looks even better”.

Israel ocean carrier ZIM reportedly crushed its all-time earnings record, with record net profit of $144 million in the third quarter, up 2,818% from the $5 million in profits earned in third quarter 2019.

Container access, suspension of ag shipments draw attention, coverage

Last week’s Specialty Soya and Grains Alliance report about an unexpected move by an ocean carrier to suspend U.S. agriculture container export shipments has drawn considerable coverage and attention in the shipping industry.

During a virtual meeting of SSGA’s competitive shipping action team on Thursday, members on the call learned of breaking development that one of the top ocean carriers, Hapag -Lloyd, had just moved to suspend container shipments of U.S. agriculture exports for the foreseeable future in response to current imbalances in global two-way container shipping.

The group concurred that a public statement was warranted because the suspension comes at a critical time – immediately following harvest – for supplying food and feed customers overseas. The group was also concerned that additional carriers might begin canceling or reducing export bookings at a time of need.

The export suspension is being driven by the need for ocean carriers to get their containers back to Asian manufacturing centers as quickly as possible to handle burgeoning, higher value imports coming to the U.S. High demand for imported consumer goods has driven import container shipping prices to their highest level, to the extent that some carriers apparently are willing to send empty containers immediately back to Asia for faster turnaround.

World Grain, Feedstuffs and Brownfield News Network were among several ag news sources that picked up SSGA’s release and covered the issue.

Freightwaves and Journal of Commerce covered the developing story among the shipping industry news sources.

The container flow imbalances in demand and costs, which underlie the challenges ocean carriers face in getting containers in position in Asia, have also been among key developments affecting the ag export supply chain.

Freightwaves recently reported on the rapidly growing import demand in a story headlined “Container slots sell out, risking holiday ‘shipageddon’”, while JOC also reported “Container lines maxing out capacity to meet US import surge.”

Suspension of overseas ag container shipments is blow to US ag community

Specialty Soya and Grains Alliance members were shocked to learn this week that shipments of agricultural products by containers are being discontinued by a major shipping line, effective immediately and for the foreseeable future.

The German international shipping and transportation company Hapag-Lloyd has dropped a bombshell, informing exporters it is suspending overseas ag container shipments from North America, a decision that could cause major hardships within the entire U.S. ag community.

The decision is being driven by hard economics during a time of unprecedented demand for higher-value North American consumer imports by containers from Asia at premium prices. Reports to SSGA are that Hapag-Lloyd has decided it needs to quickly reposition empty containers back to Asian shipping centers, even if it means forgoing hauling critical food and agriculture products back to manufacturers overseas.

SSGA members in the Upper Midwest, including shippers of bulk and identity-preserved (IP) soybeans and specialty grains, note the decision will especially hit exporters hard in the Minneapolis-St. Paul region. The strong Twin Cities market frequently finds itself short of inbound containers to meet demand and has long relied on Hapag-Lloyd’s services to reposition containers for exports.

“Hapag-Lloyd has been one of the most reliable and dependable carriers for rural, inland ag shippers, so this announcement is devastating and shocking,” said Bob Sinner, president of North Dakota-based SB&B Foods and chair of SSGA’s competitive shipping action team. “For those of us in the food soybean arena, we are just coming off a harvest that our overseas food manufacturing customers are anxious and desperate to begin receiving.”

According to available information from the global trade data company Panjiva, as read by SSGA, Hapag-Lloyd delivered 878 shipments of U.S. bulk soybeans at a volume of more than 17,000 twenty-foot equivalent units (TEU) between Oct. 22, 2019 and Sept. 25, 2020 to destinations around the world. The majority went to Japan, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Malaysia, as well as to Thailand and South Korea. Over that same span there have been 172 shipments of IP non-GMO food-grade specialty soybeans at a volume of 780 TEU.

“This disrupts the food supply chain,” Sinner said, noting that consumption of soy foods has been strong throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and that worldwide food inventories are low. “Companies in those countries rely on us for their food manufacturing. We’ve got our new crop harvested and we’re making significant and consistent bookings with carriers to get our products shipped quickly and as soon as possible.”

The move by Hapag-Lloyd poses an ominous sign for U.S. ag exporters if other ocean carriers decide to follow suit or delay ag shipments. SSGA is encouraging Hapag-Lloyd and any other carriers considering similar decisions to reexamine this policy. SSGA will explore all options to work on behalf of its members to try to help resolve this issue and is encouraging exporter members to talk to their shipping representatives.

Competitive Shipping News

Compiled by Bruce Abbe, SSGA Strategic Adviser for Trade and Transportation

Intermodal container rail service returning to Minot, N.D.

After several years of collaborative effort, intermodal container rail service is set to return to Minot, North Dakota. A unit train of containers is expected to arrive this week at the newly operated facility, formerly North Dakota Port Services, served by BNSF Railway.

North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum announced the intermodal service last week, terming it a “game changer” and saying it will reduce shipping costs for food and farm products by as much as 15%.

“Producers and processors across our state will now have access to competitively priced transportation, which will enable us to further grow and diversify our economy,” Burgum said.

He expressed gratitude for the many individuals and groups who were instrumental in securing the renewed service, including the state’s congressional delegation, private industry, legislators, the North Dakota Trade Office, state departments of commerce, transportation and agriculture, the city of Minot and the Minot Area Development Corporation.

A number of members of the Specialty Soya and Grains Alliance (SSGA) played important behind-the-scenes roles in the public/private team effort to bring intermodal service back to Minot, among them Bob Sinner, president of SB&B Foods of Casselton, N.D., and Vice Chair of the SSGA Board of Directors.

“The long and tedious process to implement intermodal service into and out of Minot has finally come to fruition,” Sinner said. “A ramp operator has been engaged and interested carriers have confirmed their willingness to re-position both 40-foot and 20-foot equipment for North Dakota exporters. The rate matrix and stability of the service is still a bit undefined, meaning it will take some time to get the service issues at a point of comfort for regular and consistent use by customers. We are obviously hopeful and expect that, eventually, the Minot ramp will become a viable option for North Dakota businesses and the future opportunities for the state’s connection to the global market.”

Other key players included Steve Balaski and other officials from the Northwest Seaport Alliance (NWSA), the combined operating company for the ports of Seattle and Tacoma, Wash., that will serve as the ocean export gateways for the BNSF; and Gene Griffin, transportation consultant for the North Dakota Trade Office.

An event is to be held this week, once equipment is in place to accommodate the intermodal service, to announce future plans for the site, including the new operator. North Dakota Port Services previously operated the facility, which leased property from the city of Minot beginning in 2009.

Click here to view the announcement by the North Dakota Governor’s Office; and here to view additional coverage from the Minot Daily News.

Steamship lines set for ‘blowout’ increase in Q3 earnings

The top stories in the global container freight industry media over the past two months have been about the unexpected high demand for imports coming in by containers from Asian manufacturing centers – chiefly in China – to the West Coast. Now that demand, along with the steep hike in import shipping rates, appear set to yield a sharp hike in earnings for the ocean carriers.

Freightwaves news service last week reported on preliminary numbers from Mattson, a smaller container line, that analysts said portends an indicator of “how solid Q3 2020 earnings will be for container lines across the board.”

The rosy profit outlook comes after a sharp cutback in services in the first quarter, including an unprecedented number of cancelled – or “blank” – sailings by ocean carriers trying to manage their capacity during the onset of the coronavirus that shackled operations initially at Asian ports. While demand for some manufactured goods fell, it increased exponentially for key consumer goods products, including personal protection equipment (PPE) manufactured in China and other Asian countries.   Combined with restocking needs by retailers and the normal peak season for shipping ahead of the holidays underway, the results have been high demand for container freight shipping on the Trans Pacific for goods imported to the United States. Import shipping rates are at their highest.

So far, export demand remains down and export rates have not risen appreciably. Service, however, is starting to feel the impact as some shippers (including SSGA members) have seen their export containers bumped from scheduled ships at the ports while ocean carriers focus on sending empty containers back to China and key Asian destinations as fast as possible to serve the import demand.

Ocean carriers also have indicated there could be new blank sailings coming again – if not in the fourth quarter, then in the new year – as carriers continue to try to manage capacity through their three main operating alliances.

Ag shippers push to fix persistent ERD problems

Members of the Agriculture Transportation Coalition (AgTC), including the Specialty Soya and Grains Alliance and several SSGA members, are pushing the Federal Maritime Commission and the container ocean line industry to fix persistent problems and unfair penalties due to erratic, changing early return dates (ERDs).

Last week’s SSGA Member News (which goes to the organization’s members only) digital newsletter included a story on the initiative. More information from Freightwaves can be found here.

Containers on the Mississippi?

Perhaps the most ambitious development effort underway to bring new global container shipping service to the inland U.S. is a multi-faceted project spearheaded by American Patriot Holdings (APH).

Last week, Freightwaves featured a story on APH’s initiative, which entails developing a unique, first-of-its-kind, container vessel designed for handling high volumes of containers and fast service on the inland waterways system. Coupled with a new container port at Plaquemines Port Harbor near the mouth of the Mississippi River to better accommodate large ocean-going container ships, the system could become a reality by 2023.

Competitive shipping trends and developments

Compiled by Bruce Abbe, SSGA Strategic Adviser for Trade & Transportation

Sky rocketing rates and demand for container imports to the US leading to service challenges on the Trans Pacific

The transportation news media over the past week has continued to cover the latest trends in container shipping, most notably the ongoing surge in demand and sky rocketing rates for high value imports on the Trans Pacific trade lanes coming into the U.S. While U.S. exports haven’t yet seen the rate increases, that surge had led to extraordinary pressure on ocean carriers to get containers back to Asia – China in particular – and it is starting to have a downstream impact on service for exporters.

Import surge creating imbalances
Two industry experts told Freightwaves news site last week that bookings of imports into the U.S. are up nearly 90 percent, year-over-year compared to 2019. The combination of projections of reduced trade due to COVID-19 leading carriers to cancel sailings early in the year – when, in fact, there was a surge in demand for personal protection equipment, E-consumer and health products – has led to the high rate increases and bulge in demand during the fall peak season.

The ocean carriers are reaping high profits now on imports, but the two experts predicted the current freight boom will be followed by a ‘substantial dip.’ Go here for the full story.

Container shortages rising – Freight forwarders advised the Journal of Commerce (JOC) that container shortages are “intensifying” across much of Asia due to the demand in China for shipping “high-yield” trans Pacific freight to North America. While there are struggles to find containers in some locations, there are reports of carriers loading empties on ships in various locations to reposition them to China. Go here and here for full related JOC stories.

US exporter shipment schedules pinched
The drive by ocean carriers to get containers back to China has even started to affect U.S. export shipping schedules.

At least one Specialty Soya and Grains Alliance (SSGA) exporter reports his company has had containers sitting at ports ready to be loaded for shipment to a non-China Asian destination rolled to a later vessel because the carrier is loading empties for direct voyage to China. That will mean at least a two-week delay in a food ingredient delivery to a customer. Needless to say, the shipper is not happy.

Will governments intervene?
The imbalances in service, high rates and space shortages following earlier cancelled sailing by the ocean carriers has now caught the eye of government regulators.

Chinese regulators were first reported to look into what has been going on, and reportedly suggested it’s time for the ocean carriers to add more capacity back into the trade lanes and “less aggressively” raise rates on the trans-Pacific. Go here for a more detailed story by JOC.

The volatility in rates and service has also caught the eye of the U.S. Federal Maritime Commission (FMC).

Hellenic News reported late last week that the FMC is reviewing ocean container shipping for possible non-competitive practices after east bound trans-Pacific rates recently hit record levels. The impact of cancelled or “blanked” sailings is a key focus of FMC. Globally the carriers reportedly cancelled more than 400 sailings between February and May in the early stages of the pandemic. Go here for the full story.

Freightwaves also provided more insights after reporting that China’s ministry of Transportation and Communication questioned ocean carrier representatives on Sept. 10. That meeting caught the industry by surprise, noted one expert. At least one ocean carrier has announced it is withdrawing a planned general rate increase (GRI).

One expert told Freightwaves that, unlike years past, when high rates led to over-capacity then lower rates, things may be different now for two reasons. The dozen leading container ocean carriers are now operating in just three major vessel-sharing alliances. That means it’s easier for the carriers to engineer capacity cuts, he speculated. The second reason, he said, is the practical reality that it will be difficult for the carriers to “stop blank sailings.” While the carriers might need to find some way of meeting new stringent rules if the Chinese institute the, it will be difficult for the carriers to give them up, “…because you’re talking about taking away the only thing that has worked for the carriers in the past 10 years.” Go here for the full story.

Katie Farmer named president and CEO of BNSF Railway

Congratulations to Katie Farmer, who last week was named president and chief executive officer of BNSF Railroad, succeeding the retiring Carl Ice, who had been with BNSF for 42 years of his career.

Farmer becomes the first woman to head a U.S. class one railroad, and a key railroad serving many export shipper members of SSGA.

“I have had the pleasure of working with Katie and am impressed,” said Bob Sinner, chairman of SSGA’s Competitive Shipping action team. “Katie is customer-focused and has taken the time to listen and consider alternative solutions to our container issues in rural America. Her new promotion is well-deserved and SSGA looks forward to working with Katie.”

Farmer is a longtime member of the BNSF leadership team, most recently serving as executive vice president of operations.

During his tenure, Ice led a team that orchestrated the merger and integration of the Burlington Northern Railroad and Santa Fe Railroad in 1995. Since then, the company grew to become the largest class one railroad in North America. Ice will retire at the end of 2020, but remain on the BNSF board of directors.

Go here for the BNSF announcement.

Largest container ship yet calls on East Coast ports

While it may not be as big as the huge 18,000 twenty-foot-equivalent (TEU) container ships or the mammoth 24,000 TEU ships that are starting to ply the Asia-to-Europe trade lanes, the CMA CGM Brazil at 15,072 TEU’s is no small potato among container vessels.

Last week the Brazil became the largest container ship to call on East Coast North American ports, and it made the news and captured public attention at each stop.

Halifax, Nova Scotia was the first stop, steaming in after departing from the Port of Colombo.

New York-New Jersey was the second stop on Sat., Sept. 12, where photos captured it steaming under the Bayonne Bridge to dock at APM Terminals.

The Port of Virginia in Norfolk was next, followed by Savannah on Friday morning. It pulled into the Port of Charleston Sunday, and was set to leave late Monday, for a return voyage to Shenzhen, China.

Go here and here for more coverage of the New York and Charleston news.

Inland exporters’ fears of container shortages fade with surge of imports from Asia

The dramatic surge of imports coming into the U.S. by containers over the last two months have reduced inland exporters’ fears of container shortages at the coming harvest time – at least for now.

Specialty Soya and Grains Alliance (SSGA) Strategic Adviser for Trade & Transportation Bruce Abbe was quoted last week in a Journal of Commerce (JOC) story, “Container shortages fade before peak export season.”

The first six months of the tumultuous 2020 shipping year was marked by disruptions caused by more than 100 “blank sailings” of large container vessels that normally would call on U.S. ports. Ocean carriers canceled the sailings as they tried to manage over capacity during the global coronavirus pandemic economic slide.

However, consumer demand has shifted, particularly for personal protection equipment, and with the normal peak season for imports getting underway, import demand has risen off the charts. There were almost zero new canceled sailings in September, and the steamship lines returned some vessels on the trade lanes.

Import demand has continued to climb causing major congestion at the ports, notably Los Angeles and Long Beach, which dominate the E-commerce import and warehouse trade. The Class 1 railroads that bring containers to the large Midwest distribution population centers have also struggled with a sudden surge in demand after they had furloughed workers during the first six months.

Ocean carrier spot rates from Asia to the U.S. have shot up. JOC reported that the West Coast import spot rate increased to more than $3,700 per 40-foot-equivalent (FEU), up 140% from a year ago. The spot rate for imports to the East Coast jumped to more than $4,500 per FEU, up 72.5% from last year.

JOC also reported that there is a big shortage of containers in Asia for suppliers, and it is likely to intensify in the near future.

Export supply outlook
While the ocean carriers have proposed some modest export container general rate increases (GRIs), rates for shipping containers to customers in Asia have remained low. With an imbalance favoring exporters in the near future, it is expected that rates and supply should remain in our favor, Abbe noted.

He warned, however, that market conditions change rapidly in container shipping and international trade patterns that could quickly alter the dynamics for export shippers.

“The value of the dollar has dropped recently. That’s a huge factor (in making U.S. ag exports more competitive),” Abbe told JOC.

Demand in Asia for specialty soybeans and grain has remained strong throughout. If imports to the U.S. drop in the fourth quarter and first quarter of 2021, as is often the case, and we see a return to more blank sailings at the same time the U.S. will be harvesting a huge crop with more competitive prices, equipment shortages inland and supply chain disruptions could return.

“It looks good for now.  Let’s cross our fingers it continues,” Abbe said.

Ag shipping news and developments

By Bruce Abbe, SSGA Strategic Adviser for Trade and Transportation

Major transportation legislation awaits action in Washington

As the country closes in on one of its most contentious national elections a little more than two months from now, a number of key issues await action in congress and will require bipartisan support to get approved. Among them are transportation and infrastructure bills that are critical for agriculture and trade.

The Specialty Soya and Grains Alliance (SSGA) recently joined with a host of other mainstream national and state agriculture organizations in joint communications to Congressional leaders urging passage of a Highways omnibus bill as well as a 2020 version of the Waterways Resources Development Act (WRDA).

Highways bill
On Aug. 6, more than 100 ag organizations, including SSGA and the National Grain & Feed Association (NGFA), sent a joint letter to the U.S. Senate Commerce Committee urging the Senate to move forward on a highways transportation package that spelled out a number of key concerns and needs of ag shippers. Funding for the current highway bill expires on Sept. 30.

The ag working group letter identified a number of key needs for agriculture shippers. The Agriculture Exemptions to Hours-of-Service rules, first approved in in 1995, “remain vitally important for the food and agriculture industry.” The coalition urged incremental changes to the hours-of-service ag exemption and further clarifications in the related eligible agriculture commodity definitions to enhance the needed flexibility the rules offer, including adoption of a 10% “load-shift” tolerance for truckers hauling bulk good and maintaining current trucking minimum financial responsibilities for insurance purposes.

Go here to view the joint letter.

The full U.S. House approved its version of the highway bill, H.R. 2, the Invest in America – Moving Forward Act of 2020, and reported it to the Senate on July 20. The vote was 233-188.  Go here to view a summary overview, details and actions from Congress.

Waterways bill
On July 29, the U.S. House of Representatives unanimously passed H.R. 7575, the Waterways Resources Development Act (WRDA) of 2020. SSGA joined more than 20 other national agriculture organizations in supporting passage of the bill.

The House bill included two key priorities for agriculture and other waterways, ports and inland river shippers – full use of the Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund (HMTF) dollars (rather than holding or diverting them for other uses) and an increase in the federal share of funding for inland waterways projects.

The legislation, still awaiting consideration in the Senate, would allow access to the current $9 billion plus balance of unused HMTF funds. The bill also would change the cost-share formula now used for funding inland waterways projects from the current 50% general revenue dollars and 50% Inland Waterways Trust Fund (IWRF) dollars, which are raised from barge fuel taxes paid by commercial uses of the inland waterways, to 65% general revenue and 35% IWTF.

Go here for coverage from NGFA, and here for a more detailed report from the National Association of Counties.

Go here to view the agriculture organizations joint letter.

Shippers eye Port of Montreal shutdown as longshoremen launch general strike

The Port of Montreal is a key gateway for North American trans-Atlantic container shippers, including U.S. ag exporters in the Upper Midwest that have access to rail service to Montreal by Canadian Pacific and Canadian National railways.

Now, a rolling series of strikes by union longshoremen at Montreal has gotten more contentious. On Aug. 10, the port shut down 1,100 workers of the Canadian Union of Public Employees and 150 workers from the International Longshoremen Association joined in a general, indefinite length strike when negotiations broke down. The CUPE has held a series of temporary strikes over the past six weeks.

According to reports, some ocean carriers have begun diverting incoming container ships to other east coast ports, while keeping an eye on the negotiations. Hapag-Lloyd is reportedly shifting the port call of its Detroit Express vessel from Montreal to Saint John in New Brunswick, and at least two MSC vessels skipped Montreal, going from Halifax direct to New York-New Jersey.

Go here for more detailed coverage.

Soybean exports projected to meet targets; China seeking traceability

As the 2019-20 U.S. marketing year nears its close, U.S. exports of soy and corn have much different outlooks as the industry hopes to meet volume projections.

Soybean exports are on pace to meet expectations despite a two-year low in exports to China in May, according to Reuters. These losses were offset by the second-largest volume shipped to the rest of the world for the month since 2018 and strong sales in June, which surpassed projections.

Corn, meanwhile, on the heels of a slow start to the year, is expected to come up short of projections – even with May’s total finishing as the second-largest for the month on record and the largest one-month total since August of 2018. However, sales in June fell short of expectations, leaving year-end targets likely out of reach.

For more on this story go here.

China seeking traceability
Bloomberg recently reported that China’s biggest food company, Cofco, is publicly vowing full traceability for all the soybeans it buys directly from farmers in Brazil by 2023.

This could show that the U.S. getting ahead on promoting traceability, which could have some traction in the Chinese market if non-GMO product can obtain market access.

Go here for more on this story.

Compiled by Alyson Segawa, SSGA Technical Adviser, North Asia

Hopeful signs, yet uncertainties abound in 3rd-quarter shipping

Compiled by Bruce Abbe, strategic adviser for trade and transportation

There are some hopeful signs emerging that the third quarter of 2020 could see the start of a turn-around for container shipping volumes off the U.S. West Coast after a dreadful first half of the year that saw unprecedented declines at the ports.

Yet those positive signs are mired in uncertainty over fears that the U.S. and other parts of the world could see a second wave of a pandemic-driven economic setback, as well as a resurgence of trade wars leading up to the election.

Freightwaves reported last week that blank sailings (cancelled previously scheduled container ship services) projected for the third quarter are down from the brutal first and second quarters, citing Denmark-based eeSea consulting firm. While blank sailings made up for 14% of total planned sailings in the second quarter (105 for April-June), they’ve represented only 3% so far for the third quarter, eeSea reported, saying only 26 had been announced for the third quarter on the West Coast.

Those totals contrast with recent announcements from two of the three major alliances (The Alliance and 2M) of 75 blank sailings for the third quarter globally. The Ocean Alliance has not yet announced its plans for the third quarter.

One additional sign of container shipping volumes turning around (though one not favored by shippers) is the strength of the spot shipping rates on the Trans-Pacific. Rates reportedly are at a 2 ½-year high.  Ocean carriers put through two general rate increases (GRIs) in June. Reduced capacity due to blank sailings are the key factor in higher rates, along with some return of import and export demand.

American Shipper also documented how blank sailings have sent shipping rates on a steep climb of late.

May volumes down sharply
May figures are in, however, and the numbers were abysmal for the West Coast ports for the first part of the year.

The Northwest Seaport Alliance ports of Seattle and Tacoma reported a drop of overall container volumes of 18.8% for the first five months of 2020, compared to 2019 – 1,277,227 TEUs (20-foot equivalents), the lowest since 2009 – thanks to 46 cancelled sailings. The carriers have announced 17 more blank sailings. While some ag exports remain strong from NWSA, a major contributor to the decline is reduced demand for potatoes shipped from Idaho and eastern Washington to serve food service industries overseas.

Southern California’s Los Angeles/Long Beach big port complex reported container volumes down nearly 14% for the first five months. The Port of LA’s numbers were down 19%, due, in part, to some shifting of service around San Pedro Bay to Long Beach terminals. Together the ports handled 5,901,270 TEUs, down from 6,782,331 over the same period last year.

Port of LA Executive Director Gene Seroka said he’s worried there could even be a permanent loss of import volumes to the tune of 15%, citing the effects of the trade war as well as less consumer spending and less U.S. manufacturing due to the pandemic. Canceled sailings delivered a blow to the port, according to Seroka, Freightwaves reported.  However, he added that canceled sailings estimates have begun to ease at the port for June and looking ahead.

Both Seroka and NWSA Executive Director John Wolfe have expressed concerns about the lingering effect of the trade war on container volumes at the West Coast gateways in comments during recent stakeholder virtual meetings.

The Port of Oakland reported in a June 11 news release that loaded container volumes were down 12.7% in May, with imports down 14.6% and exports down 10.7%, in line with expectations.

Second wave worries
While projections for blank sailings in the third quarter – normally the peak container shipping season as U.S. retail importers stock up for the fall and upcoming holidays – now appear to be improving as the economy opens up, there are also worries about the potential impact of a second wave of COVID 19 on the global economy and ocean shipping if personal protection measures fail to keep the virus in check.

According to news reports, global virus infections remain near all-time highs, and the chief economist of the global Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Laurence Boone, warned a second wave of the virus would produce a “double hit” to the economy, raising forecasts of a drop in GDP from 6% to 7.6% for the year. The OECD forecast for the U.S. was a GDP plunge of 7.3% for a single hit of the virus business impact to 8.5% with a second wave hit.