SSGA goes globetrotting

The second half of 2022 will be one of outreach for the Specialty Soya and Grains Alliance. Travel is underway, as SSGA spreads the message of high quality to our customers abroad. This week already, SSGA Chair Rob Prather is on the road, traveling to Vietnam along with Hoa Huynh, technical adviser for Southeast Asia.

Following their visit with Vinasoy, a Vietnamese soymilk and soy drink producer, Huynh believes the prospect of Vinasoy importing U.S. Identity Preserved soybeans to be high. Vinasoy staff recently returned from the Food Grade Soybean Procurement Course at Northern Crops Institute in Fargo, N.D. Prather and Huynh also met with Dabaco, a feed and food production company and have more visits planned.

Next week, Prather will meet up with Manager of Strategic Programs Shane Frederick in the Philippines for a USDA trade mission to Manila that features several state departments of ag, state and national commodity associations and agribusinesses for tours and business-to-business meetings.

In both countries, SSGA is talking about the U.S. Identity Preserved assurance plan and brand mark and preparing for an international launch later this year in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

“After spending much of the last two years talking to customers virtually about identity preserved soybeans and specialty grains, we are thrilled to be able to start having those conversations in person,” Frederick said. “This USDA trade mission to Manila and other trips are perfect opportunities to highlight the new U.S. Identity Preserved mark and explain what it represents – the great care, commitment and close attention that IP farmers, processors and shippers undertake to fulfill the needs of their customers.”

In the coming months, SSGA technical advisers Alyson Segawa (North Asia) and Philip Shull (South Asia) will be traveling to Japan and India and Nepal, respectively, along with board directors, and our alliance is looking ahead to more opportunities in the future. In India and Nepal, SSGA representatives will participate in three seminars organized by the U.S. Soybean Export Council that will extol the quality and value of U.S. identity preserved soybeans. In addition to meeting with the trade, SSGA will meet with India’s Soy Food Processors Welfare Association (SFPWA) and Foreign Agricultural Service-New Delhi to discuss SFPWA’s efforts to secure a tariff rate quota for food grade soybeans from the Indian government.

Look for reports on each of these trips in future SSGA newsletters.

SSGA addresses buyers in Indonesia

With food availability a concern in Indonesia, USDA Foreign Agricultural Service Agriculture Counselor Rey Santella emphasized the need for the United States and Indonesia to keep trade open to help feed each other in his address at the Asia Soy Excellence & Protein Summit.

SSGA had the opportunity to weigh in on that concern during the conference, hosted by the U.S. Soybean Export Council (USSEC) June 21-22 in Bali. Presenting virtually, SSGA Executive Director Eric Wenberg and Chair Rob Prather briefed about 150 attendees on current identity preserved (IP) crop production issues, logistics and container shipping during the hybrid event. Steve Peach, a Michigan farmer and member of the Michigan Soybean Committee, and Troy Berndt, a grower relations specialist in Wisconsin, updated attendees on the 2022 growing season in their respective states/regions.

Attendees were interested to learn about container shipping challenges. While most of these challenges likely will continue into the next shipping season, they are expected to progressively improve. Prather encouraged buyers to order from U.S. exporters as soon as possible, not only to help plan logistics but to allow U.S. farmers ample time to grow IP crops with the exact qualities and characteristics requested by the end users. Ordering IP crops in advance also improves efficiencies in production plans for manufacturers focusing on quality.

Wenberg and Prather also emphasized the importance of partnerships between groups like SSGA and USSEC and how buyers should seek out educational materials, such as SSGA University and the U.S. Soy Excellence Center. Wenberg also spoke of SSGA’s international launch of the U.S. Identity Preserved brand mark, which is scheduled to take place in Southeast Asia in November.


U.S. exporters and Chinese importers talk IP

Nearly 150 people met online on March 30 for an U.S. Identity Preserved webinar and IP B2B meetings between SSGA-member exporters and potential buyers from China.

The event was held in coordination between SSGA, the U.S. Soybean Export Council (USSEC) and the China Chamber of Commerce of Import and Export of Foodstuffs, Native Produce and Animal By-Products (CFNA).

Following remarks from USSEC CEO Jim Sutter, CFNA President Cao Derong, U.S. Embassy Beijing Acting Deputy Chief of Mission Bobby Richey and SSGA Executive Director Eric Wenberg, watched and participated in three presentations about U.S. Identity Preserved field crops. SSGA Chair Rob Prather of Global Processing gave an overview of IP soybeans and grains. SSGA Secretary/Treasurer Colby Eymann discussed IP traceability and sourcing and Hua (Elsa) Xu of Hang Tung Resources talked about IP transportation.

“SSGA’s mission is to work with all our partners … to act as your expert in helping you learn how to purchase identity preserved field crops from the United States and how to profit by including them in the food products you manufacture,” Wenberg told the group. “What we are trying to do is explain in a structured way how the high-quality specialty field crop market means paying a bit more in advance can do for you.”

The webinar was followed by IP B2B matchmaking sessions between SSGA member suppliers and Chinese food manufacturers. Those who were not involved in the B2B meetings stayed on and participated in Q&A to learn more about U.S. Identity Preserved practices and efficiencies.

OSPA receives affirmative final determination on India matter

The Department of Commerce on March 18 announced its affirmative final determinations in the antidumping duty and countervailing duty investigations of organic soybean from India.

The petitioners in the case were the Organic Soybean Processors of America (OSPA) and the following processors: American Natural Processors LLC (S.D.), Organic Production Services LLC (N.C.), Professional Proteins Ltd. (Iowa), Sheppard Grain Enterprises LLC (N.Y.), Simmons Grain Co. (Ohio), Super Soy LLC (Wis.) and Tri-State Crush (Ind.).

Once Commerce issues an affirmative final determination, the United States International Trade Commission, an independent agency, examines whether a U.S. industry has been injured as a result of dumped and/or subsidized imports. The ITC makes its final injury determination May 2, approximately 45 days after Commerce’s final determination. If ITC’s final determination is affirmative, Commerce will issue antidumping and countervailing duty orders. If ITC’s determination is negative, the investigation will be terminated.

More information, including final dumping and subsidy rates and import statistics can be found at this link.

SSGA has supported the OSPA in its petition, which alleges that organic soybean meal from India is being sold in the United States at less than fair value and that India is providing unfair subsidies to Indian producers and exporters of organic soybean meal to the U.S.

OSPA is a domestic trade association established in 2018 to represent the organic soybean processing industry in the United States. It is a member-driven organization that advocates for fair and free trade, supporting economically sound decisions at all levels of government and works to advance access to safe, reliable organic feed.

SSGA presents to Indian soy food experts

On Dec. 22, SSGA was invited to present virtually to the International Conference on the Role of Soy as a Sustainable Protein Source for Health and Wellness, an event that took place in Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India. 

Newly elected SSGA Chairman Rob Prather was a co-chair for the virtual session and also presented on buying Identity Preserved field crops from the United States. SSGA Manager of Strategic Programs Shane Frederick then presented on the new U.S. Identity Preserved Assurance Plan and brand mark, which was launched on Dec. 2, and SSGA University. 

The fifth-annual conference was put on by India’s Soy Food Promotion & Welfare Association and included industry experts from India and around the world. Invitees also included officials from Indian government departments and ministries. 

The virtual session on U.S. soy also included presentations from USSEC and IFF Nourish. 

U.S. suppliers give update to Japan’s natto industry

Natto suppliers from the United States on Monday evening had their second conversation of the year with Japanese companies in an online update meeting organized by the Specialty Soya and Grains Alliance, the U.S. Soybean Export Council (USSEC) and the Japan Natto Cooperative Society Federation (JNCSF).

The update was an opportunity to share information, including 2021 post-harvest crop conditions and an outlook for 2022. Presenters represented different companies in different regions of the United States.

Natto is a traditional Japanese food, commonly eaten at breakfast, that is made from fermented soybeans. Natto is popular in Japan for its health benefits. The U.S. supplies about 70% of the soybeans for Japan’s natto industry. Natto beans are small, with a clear hilum and thin seed coat.

“Anytime you have interaction in this relationship with the natto association, it’s pretty special for all suppliers,” said Bob Sinner, SSGA board director and president of SB&B Foods. “Following our first Natto Summit there was so much appreciation for the dialogue that was created to address challenges and opportunities.” 

The third Natto Summit took place in Fargo, North Dakota, in 2019. COVID has delayed the next one, although the hope is that it will take place in 2022.

“Everyone is anxious for the next natto summit,” said Sinner, who co-hosted the U.S. presentations, “and this dialogue was to fill the gaps through the pandemic. It’s important for us to communicate not only our crop size, because of the volatile weather we had in 2021, but the crop quality, so there are no surprises.”

Scott Sinner of SB&B, Bruce Wymer of Citizens LLC in Michigan, Tal Taggart of Taggart Seed in Arkansas and Tom Taliaferro of Montague Farms in Virginia, gave regional condition reports. Rick Brandenburger of Richland IFC reported on the state of the U.S. food-grade soy industry and variety development and showed off the new U.S. Identity Preserved assurance plan and brand mark. Darwin Rader of Zeeland Farm Services presented on the current state of containerized shipping. The group also answered questions about tighter supplies and higher costs that are affecting the market and how those could translate to the natto manufacturers’ production costs next year.

Members of the JNCSF said consumption of natto is rising in Japan, and that higher prices should not deter that climb. They added that there is strength in their partnership with U.S. soy producers and that they’re continuing to promote natto as a safe, tasty, healthy food both in Japan and to overseas customers.

In addition, USSEC’s Will McNair presented on the Specialty U.S. Soy Database, which is an online tool to help those looking to source soybeans specifically for use in soy foods, including natto.

IP Crop Network, November Report

This monthly feature from SSGA’s Agronomy Action Team highlights growing conditions for Identity Preserved crops from different regions around the country. Thanks to the states/regions that contributed this month. If you would like to contribute, please get in touch with David Kee or Shane Frederick. You can also follow David Kee on Twitter for some of the latest, most-interesting information on agronomy and research that affect IP and other farmers.


If the rains hold off until Wednesday night, as predicted, there will be very little crop left in the field in Illinois. The guess is completion at 95%-plus by mid -week. Last week’s freeze finally finished off the green in the soybeans, especially the double crop, and they started running through the combine pretty well.

Yields in the North and Central areas will end up pretty close to expectations, and the southern part of the state will beat expectations, but likely not enough acres and bushels in the southern third to move the needle on state average.

There is a lot of tillage being done and some fall fertilizer is being applied. Wheat planting is pretty well done in the state, with about half of the crop looking really good – 25% emerging slow and uneven and the last 25% still trying to emerge.


The Michigan soybean crop is mostly in the bins. Harvest started earlier than normal in mid-September but was slowed by extended periods of significant rain. Much of the month of October saw limited soybean harvest as farmers switched to harvesting corn in wet fields. Field conditions have improved in November, allowing significant soybean harvest with grain moisture back to acceptable levels. November weather is not always conducive to soybean harvest in Michigan, so this opportunity is a welcome pleasant surprise.

Soybean yields are mostly good throughout the state. The NASS estimated average yield of 50 bushels per acre should be close to actual yields.


Recent rains have alleviated the 2021 drought. Minnesota is still dry, but recent rains continue to ease drought stress. According to the drought monitor, the northern third of the state is rated moderate to extreme drought (D1-D3). Areas in the southeast third of the state are rated abnormally dry to moderate (D0-D1). The southwest quarter drought-free. The Nov. 1 USDA Crop Progress report topsoil moisture supply rated 80% adequate to surplus.

Crop harvest is near completion in Minnesota. Corn silage, small grains and edible beans have been largely harvested. Soybean, sunflower and sugar beet harvests are near completion with variable yields reported. Corn grain harvest is proceeding rapidly with 83% harvested by the end of October. Grain moisture has been sufficiently low that grain drying is limited in scope. Soybean harvest was slowed due to excessive green stems and morning dews reducing harvest speeds. Some farmers are concerned about future crop volunteer issues in 2022 due to excessive harvest escapes. Farmer yield reports in this region vary from “drought impacted” to “well above expectations!”

Field work, soil sampling, tillage, manure and fertilizer applications, etc., continues. Soil temperatures are adequate for fall N fertilizer applications, and P and K containing fertilizers are going down. Farmers appear to be applying fertilizer products previously purchased in the summer. There is a great concern expressed as to input availability in the spring and input price uncertainty.


October proved to be another warm month for Missouri with the average temperature being 60.6°F, which was 3.6°F over the long-term average. It was the warmest October since 2016, and it was the third consecutive month with above average temperatures. Most years Missouri experiences its first freeze during October, but only a few locations in northwestern Missouri dipped below freezing during October. For the past 20 years, fall freezes have been trending later.

The statewide average for rainfall was 6.11 inches, which is 2.92 inches above the long-term, which made October 2021 the fifth-consecutive October with wetter conditions than normal. One unusual weather occurrence did happen on Oct. 24, a fall tornado outbreak, with 15 tornadoes being reported.

According to the USDA Crop Progress report, Corn harvest was tabulated at 86% completed on Oct. 31. Soybean harvest was only 59% completed at the same time. Cotton harvest was delayed due to the rainy conditions, so only 59% of the crop had been harvested by Oct. 31, with 71% of crop being in “good” condition. As of Oct. 31, only 63% of the winter wheat was planted, which is 5% more than the five-year average. An estimated 45% of the winter wheat planted has emerged to give a 57% good condition for the winter wheat.

November is looking promising for further increase in crop harvest. Hopefully, we will have completed crop harvests in November.

North Dakota

There are a couple of fields of corn left, but in all practical sense, harvest is complete. Due to the drought, yields are down and most grain is either sold or binned with very little grain on the ground compared to years with large yields.

There is more fall tillage than expected with the dry conditions, but with the early harvest it became too tempting. Even with the high fertilizer prices some fall fertilizer is being applied. Some economists are encouraging the purchase of fertilizer to protect from spring shortages. Most fertilizer dealers are not pre-booking fertilizer.

There have been some rains but not enough to recharge the groundwater. Rain is predicted at the end of the week but changing to snow.

SSGA meets with Japanese leaders to discuss container shipping crisis, 2021 harvest

With about 80% of Identity Preserved soybeans and specialty grains being exported out of the United States and 50% of those exports going to Japan for high-quality food products, it’s vital that U.S. processors continue to maintain good relationships and open communications with food manufacturers in Japan. 

“It’s no secret: Japan has been and continues to be the star for U.S. suppliers,” said Bob Sinner, president of SB&B Foods and chairman of the Specialty Soya and Grains Alliance. “Our relationship with Japan speaks for itself, and relationships mean something. We need to continue to address the issues that are important to both of us. … Open dialog is always good.” 

Sinner made his remarks during an online meeting last week between SSGA board members and staff and representatives from Japan’s embassy in Washington, D.C. – Tatsumasa Miyata, counselor for agriculture, forestry and fisheries; and Ryo Tsuzukihashi, first secretary agriculture attaché for the embassy. 

SSGA was represented by Sinner, Vice-Chairman Rob Prather, Secretary/Treasurer Darwin Rader and board members Adam Buckentine and Raquel Hansen, along with Executive Director Eric Wenberg, Technical Adviser for North Asia Alyson Segawa and SSGA staff Lee Steinhauer and Shane Frederick. 

“We’re super thankful for Japan’s partnership in this business,” said Prather, chief strategic ambassador for Global Processing. “Without it, I don’t know where the business would be right now. It’s a very solid relationship.” 

The meeting, conducted via Zoom, gave SSGA representatives a chance to provide a pre-harvest update on the 2021 crop as well as an outlook on what’s ahead for 2022. The heart of the discussion, however, centered on the container shipping difficulties that continue to disrupt the global supply chain. The crisis has resulted in higher freight charges and other costs, crippling congestion and interruption in and out of the ports and logistical difficulties in getting containers to exporters of agricultural products located throughout the United States. 

The problem is one that has plagued U.S. Identity Preserved exporters for more than 18 months, putting stress on those processors and their staffs. It was made clear that transportation is one of the issues that companies on both sides of the Pacific Ocean agree must get resolved as quickly as possible.  

“The transportation issue is most important for food security,” Miyata said, noting that most of Japan’s food is imported from the United States. “Container prices have skyrocketed, and it’s difficult for us to import U.S. grains and U.S. foods.” 

Besides sharing information on the shipping challenges, SSGA’s board members, who represent a wide swath of the United States’ Identity Preserved growing region discussed this year’s crop, which is beginning to be harvested. Growing conditions have ranged from very dry to ideal to wet, depending on the location, so there’s expected will be a wide range of productivity. 

“We are geographically diverse,” Wenberg said, “and our states are geographically diverse.” 

Looking ahead to 2022, the message from the U.S. Identity Preserved industry to Japanese buyers (and others around the globe) is, as always: Plan ahead. Advance contract, especially with inflation expected to continue across all inputs. 

“We already have our programs set,” said Rader, international sales manager for Zeeland Farm Services. “When the ’21 crop comes in, that’s when we start contracting for ’22.” 

SSGA reiterated its gratitude to Japan for its decision in spring of 2020 to delay implementation of its phytosanitary requirement until 2023. 

“We want to ensure that we work with Japanese importers and offer support where we can for compliance,” Segawa said. “SSGA wants to be a good partner.” 

The embassy officials asked that SSGA continue to promote and educate buyers on the Identity Preserved system. SSGA will be unveiling an IP assurance protocol and related brandmark later this year.  

SSGA will participate in a natto update with Japanese natto producers on Dec. 9. It will be an opportunity for continued open dialog between U.S. exporters and manufacturers of the traditional Japanese food made from fermented soybeans and popular for its health benefits.

Hybrid GTE brings ag to St. Louis, virtual platform

ST. LOUIS – Demand was the theme of the U.S. Soy Global Trade Exchange & Specialty Grains Conference, which took place here Tuesday-Thursday.

Global demand for U.S. Soy overall, demand for Identity Preserved soy and specialty grains and demand for some real human interaction.

After COVID-19 forced the 2020 GTE to be all virtual, the 2021 show was a hybrid event, with about 300 attendees gathering safely in steamy St. Louis and another 900 joining online from 59 countries.

“We’ve been waiting for more than 18 months to gather again in person to connect, reconnect and do business,” said Eric Wenberg, executive director of the Specialty Soya and Grains Alliance (SSGA), which co-hosted the GTE with the U.S. Soybean Export Council. “At the same time, we had people on the virtual platform networking, connecting to businesses and making sales. India was pinging businesses from the time the show started.”

Following a night out with the crowd at Busch Stadium for a baseball game between the hometown St. Louis Cardinals and the Detroit Tigers, the GTE kicked off early Wednesday morning with a robust agenda. SSGA Chairman Bob Sinner joined USSEC Chair Monte Peterson on the stage to get things started.

“The value of our partnerships is immeasurable,” Sinner said, “and by hosting events like this one, we can learn directly from you about your biggest challenges and who we might address any concerns. To us, it’s clear that collaboration is the best way to make things happen. That’s true whether you’re working with your peers on a neighboring farm or on another continent.”

Sinner and Wenberg participated in a media briefing, along with Peterson and USSEC CEO Jim Sutter, and talked about transportation challenges SSGA member exporters are facing, how SSGA has innovated to make certain business connections continued during COVID and the U.S. Identity Preserved system and the demand for IP soya and specialty grains.

“The demand for identity preserved, non-GMO field crops from the U.S. has been staggering; the demand currently exceeds supply,” said Sinner, who is president of SB&B Foods. “Our customers have realized the benefits of sourcing these crops and their specific IP qualities for food manufacture because they have realized how it improves their retail products and sales.”

Sinner continued that demand is growing over a variety of sectors, including the pet food industry, and that SSGA is encouraging more U.S. growers to consider identity preserved production.

The in-person and virtual GTE audience heard from globally recognized industry leaders and experts about global supply and demand trends, trade policy updates, as well as research on the quality and sustainable aspects of U.S. soy and specialty grains.

Wenberg led a session on the future of food featuring speakers Jon Tanaka, senior project manager of scientific and regulatory affairs for Morinaga Nutritional Foods; Dina Fernandez, global director, protein nutrition solutions for ADM; and Tony Andrew, protein solutions business unit leader for International Flavors & Fragrances.

“Consumers are embracing plant-based diets, and there are opportunities for all plant-protein sources –  including soy,” Andrew said, adding that consumer perception of soy over the last several years has grown, especially after exposure to further education about soy.

Tanaka, whose company produces shelf-stable tofu, said the market for tofu and tempeh has grew by nearly 41% from 2019 to 2020.

“People do want to become healthy; they want to eat better,” Tanaka said. “Since the beginning of the pandemic there’s been a shift in consumer purchasing toward natural and organic products.”

Another highlight session featured Commissioner Carl Bentzel of the Federal Maritime Commission, who appeared with SSGA Secretary/Treasurer Darwin Rader, international sales manager for Zeeland Farm Services, and Bryan Paskewicz, account executive for Ray-Mont Logistics, to discuss the challenges facing exporters who ship by container.

“We are, right now, at a crisis in ocean shipping as a result of the things that went on over the last year,” Bentzel said, adding that the supply chain hasn’t been this congested since World War II.

A small agency with just 120 employees, the FMC is taking action where it can, Bentzel said. A recent executive order by President Biden encourages greater emphasis on FMC enforcement of the Shipping Act. However, he added, that the crisis could continue well into 2022.

“We’re here to find solutions to get us exports overseas,” Paskewicz said. “Foreign countries need food products; they need agricultural products.”

Another SSGA breakout session featured exporters reporting on progress and conditions for Identity Preserved non-GMO crops around the country. Ryan Koory, director of economics for Mercaris, moderated the session, which included presentations from Rick Brandenburger, president of Richland IFC and SSGA board director; Chase Holoubek, lead merchant for Scoular; and Brent Rogers, general manager for Rogers Grain.

The GTE also featured an in-person and virtual trade show featuring several exhibitors representing the soy, specialty grains and allied industries.

The 2021 Global Trade Exchange & Specialty Grains Conference featured several key sponsors, including platinum sponsors the Illinois Soybean Association, Iowa Soybean Association, Minnesota Soybean Research & Promotion Council, North Dakota Soybean Council, Ohio Soybean Council and Wisconsin Soybean Marketing Board. The Missouri Soybean Merchandising Council and South Dakota Soybean Research & Promotion Council were Gold sponsors. Scoular was a Bronze Sponsor, while Hang Tung Resources was the key card sponsor and SGS sponsored the conference wi-fi.

“The North Dakota Soybean Council sponsors the Global Trade Exchange to facilitate global trade relationships for North Dakota soybeans,” said JP Lueck, a soybean farmer from Spiritwood, N.D. “Events like the GTE allow North Dakota soybean farmers like me to better understand our customers’ needs and produce the quality soy they have come to know and expect from North Dakota.”

Check out photos from the GTE on the SSGA Facebook page.

Click here to learn more about the GTE.

Mercaris Murmurings: Organic soybean markets remain unsettled

U.S. organic soybean markets remained unsettled over June, following an unsettled outlook for production, imports and prices. Across the U.S. Corn Belt, the outlook for organic soybeans has generally improved as much-needed precipitation helped ease drought conditions across Iowa, Michigan and Wisconsin. The exception to this trend appears to be Minnesota, with the U.S. Drought Monitor reporting 100% of the state experiencing drought conditions the week of July 20 and 4% of the state experiencing extreme- to exceptional-drought conditions. Overall, Mercaris estimates that 61% of organic soybean acres across the Corn Belt were rated in good to excellent condition as of July 18, down slightly from 69% last year.

While the U.S. crop outlook has improved slightly, the pace of import has also picked up speed. In June, U.S. organic soybean imports saw their largest month since the start of the MY, pushing above levels of a year ago by nearly 20%. The month saw imports from Argentina reach their highest level since June 2020, while imports from the Black Sea region reached their highest levels since September 2020.

U.S. organic soybean meal maritime imports also remained higher year over year for the 10th month in a row, up 7% year over year. That said, June did see the first substantial decline in organic soybean meal from India, which declined to its lowest level since October 2018, down 26% y/y. Ultimately, organic soybean meal imports for the month were supported by shipments from Turkey, with the United States importing nearly 12,000 MT from the country over the month.

Despite indications that U.S. organic soybean supplies might improve over the remainder of the marketing year, prices continue to reflect a tightening U.S. supply situation, with organic feed-grade soybeans delivered to U.S. elevators averaging $30.41/bu during June, up $3.37/bu from May and gaining $11/bu over year-ago prices.

Mercaris, the nation’s leading market data service and online trading platform for organic and non-GMO agricultural commodities, is an SSGA member and a monthly contributor to the SSGA E-newsletter.